Whew! Still here. I had a super busy weekend due to the fact that I had a sick dog which involved a lot of clean up and now involves me cooking her breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Then this morning I opened a drawer in my desk and this is what greeted me.
I haven't opened the others yet because I'm scared to see what other havoc my Little has created and I have too much to do. He obviously has been having fun with the post-its. What kills me is that he made sure his post-it party stayed hidden in the drawer. The sneaky little trickster!
On a side note my weekly meal planning is going well and I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. For those of you that dread the 5 o'clock "what are we going to have for dinner??" moment, try it!
she is so cute. i want to snuggle her face off!! :)
Love this post. Relate to every word. Except I've tried meal planning and I can never stick to my plan. [sigh]
Sick puppies, no fun.
ditto seleta
I'm glad the meals are going well. It's a life saver for me. I just upped the planning ante but realized I needed it. (Appetizers/first course while prepping and Anna's lunches). The scramble doesn't work for me.
How were the burgers? Sounds d-lish!
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