Showing posts with label I admit it. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I admit it. Show all posts

November 3, 2011

Snack Freak

I try to be green, I do my best when packing the kids lunches. I always use BPA free (the freak in me) reusable containers but today I fell off the wagon. This year at Target they had individual packages of Pirate's Booty to give out as treats and when I was there yesterday I picked up two boxes because they were on sale. Little has snack duty once a month and they prefer individually divided snacks so that's what I got them for but this morning in a panic I packed a bag in Little's lunch. I loved it, it was so easy!  Aaahhh!! I can not fall under those individually wrapped snacks spell.

Please don't think that I sit at home and make my kids homemade granola bars and stuff because they're individually wrapped, believe me I don't. I just try when possible to keep baggies to a minimum. Freak you say? Yes I know very, very true. But it's things like this that make me crazy. Two minutes in the morning is a lot. 

August 30, 2011

A week already?

So I guess I've made myself scarce this past week, sorry about that. Last Wednesday I had a little kitchen mishap which involved stitches so I've been a little off my game. My grand plans of organizing all of my piles and closets hasn't fared so well. That's ok I have plenty of time to procrastinate on that. In fact in a little effort to procrastinate some more I think I need to do/try/make/find the following items.

Chocolate Sorbet - Made by local lifestyle guru Jaimee. I must make this, yum.

Stalk the web for an astronomy print.

Read the following book.

Obsess about this handbag. I just noticed that they're selling the neon Cambridge Satchels at J.Crew. Thank you for making my stalking this item much easier.

Which kind of reminds me of this artist who I adore.

Hopefully this will keep me busy until the mood strikes to get productive again.

July 28, 2011

When Dad is away

When my husband doesn't make it home for dinner I often make things like pancakes or things he may turn his nose up at for dinner such as pumpkin soup, lentils or anything with squash.

Do you all do the same thing? What's a go-to, whoo hoo meal for you and the kids when Dad is working late?

{image via pinterest}

March 30, 2011

Pee Wee's Playhouse

On a scale of 1 to 10 how nerdy do you think it is that I sat through the HBO special Pee Wee's Playhouse?  I LOVED that show when I was a kid. I was even 11ish when it started but I still watched it religiously every Saturday. I thought it was hilarious and apparently still do. The fact that during Cartoon Time they showed Penny was the cherry on top.  Penny is the shiz. (Ooh this one is good too!)

I even had this magazine back in the day, my parents got it for me because I loved Pee Wee so much.  Anyone else watch it? 

March 16, 2011

Dish with me

My diet went well. I didn't feel deprived for one second. It was touch and go for a moment just remembering to snap a picture but it was good.  There were a few things I noticed while I was gone that I wanted to share with you but since I was dieting I decided to wait.

1. I think I need a stylish BFF that wears glasses with thick rims. Think Brad or Tommy. And apparently striped ties.

 2. Don't you think accessories are a quick way to spruce up what you have going on in your closet? Here are a few things that my closet is wishing for this spring. Wedges and new sunnies.

3. Let's talk TV for one moment, have you been watching Real Housewives of Orange County? It's so bad I have to cover my eyes at least 10 times per episode. Hopefully I can make it through. Tamra is pitiful and Gretchen and Slade? Eww, no more morning shots please I might just die. Do you watch Glee? I don't normally talk about it but I think that Blaine is my absolute favorite character and he's not even one of the main ones. He's just so adorable and is the best male singer hands down. Lastly on the subject the show that I love watch and am slightly embarrassed about is Kourtney and Kim take New York. Why? I have no idea, I'm like one of million other people in America, fascinated by the Kardashians. I definitely think that Khloe and Kourtney is where the entertainment is but Kim is stunning so I guess she can be allowed to stay.

Sorry, I know it's early but doesn't this slightly make you want to barf?

March 1, 2011


I'm pitifully unorganized and I often fantasize about being meticulously tidy. I know I'll stay cluttery but I can look at pretty pictures and pretend if I did something like this it would stay just as nice.

I really like how it looks just like a regular bookshelf, something that can be picked up at Home Depot or Ikea and made to look special by the vintage looking labels and baskets. Excuse me while I go dream of tidy closets.

{image via paper playne}

October 26, 2010

Sugary goodness

You know me and my confessions I have a doozy for you. In an attempt to come clean the other day I sat in my car after I dropped the kids off and ate 2 doughnuts. Heaven forbid that I eat one, no not me TWO. You know the funny thing about it is I loved every bite of those two fatty, sugary treats. In fact I might even start doing that more often. It feels awfully good to eat something like that without two littles clamouring for a bite. I mean really when you see treats like these how can one resist?

{image via Mary Ruffle}

September 16, 2010

Jackassery Confession

Do you ever do anything that kinda makes you feel like a jackass but you do it anyway? Mine is that I wear makeup to the gym. I think to myself what the hell really?! But then I find myself using concealer, mascara, gloss and a quick swipe of blush before I head out the door. I rationalize the gloss with who wants dry lips when working out. And the concealer and mascara who really leaves the house without that? It's the blush that's the kicker, I wear makeup to the gym. I'm lame.

So please confess all your silly little secrets right here, I know I can't be the only one.

September 9, 2010

Lorelei and what-his-name!

Yes I'm am the world's biggest dork because my heart just did a little leap because two of my FAVORITE TV peeps are dating. I should be embarrassed that I actually proclaimed that to the world but not me, love that TV!!

See my love for Lorelei I mean Lauren and Peter here and here.

{via Perez}

August 25, 2010

Wow, I'm healthy

FYI, this is what I ate this morning for breakfast. I started with a few cups of this
Moved on to a few handfuls of this, ok maybe more than a few.
Plus a {large) handful of these to finish up.

I felt like I had to come clean. Not too nutritious but definitely hit all the bright spots caffeinated, cheesy/salty and sweet. Anyone else eat the world's healthiest breakfast?

July 30, 2010

It's not like I was wearing this

While I was picking up the kids today I had a conversation with someone that went something like this:
Me: Hi
JA: Hi. You're wearing normal clothes.
Normally when I see JA (at the moment stands for Jack Ass) I'm in workout clothes. Today I was wearing normal Hanes T, cut offs and cute sandals plus hair is done and I do have on makeup. Nothing special I know but I have lots to do around the house today and plan on getting a little grubby.
Me: Well gross clothes anyways.
JA: You're in your Mom clothes.
Me: Dreaming of myself hitting JA over the head with a skillet that I somehow have handily in my back pocket. Not much I can say so I continue walking muttering under my breath.

Is it just me or is "mom clothes" fighting words?

July 14, 2010


So most days I go to the gym, I try to do about an hour of cardio and sweaty cardio calls for a pony. Most girls are fine with a pony but my hair starts to break so I have to be careful. I asked my pal Tina who does my hair, "what can I do?" and she laughed and said, "wear a scrunchie". I wanted to die, seriously...scrunchie? And she laughed again. I know all of you smarties out there can come up with a solution for me.
I know I have some serious pictures of me rocking the scrunchie in high school. But I'd have to dig through a box and scan and that's a hassle. But this leads me to my next topic, the trends that you have to laugh about later. Last week I went out to dinner with a group of friends and we were laughing about pleather pants because we all had a pair. And I'm pretty sure if I recall we thought we were hot stuff. I think I need to dig up some of my more finer moments of fashion for you all to see. I wonder if I could find them? Scrunchies, pleather I'm sure there's some good ones!

April 7, 2010

Pinwheels Kate Spade style

Have I mentioned that I'm slightly obsessed with Kate Spade's pinwheels?

{oops, forgot where I snagged these images}

January 7, 2010 much time?

Ever since I posted the Fresh Start collage I've been wondering how much time people actually spend doing their housework. Do you consider yourself an obsessive neat-freak or are you a little more lackadaisical when it comes to your home? If you dish be truthful about the time you spend because I'm really curious. I'm dying to know the tidy/time ratio of everyone.

I at least spend a couple of hours a day doing laundry and cleaning but there's still usually toys everywhere. I think for that one I'll just have to wait a few more years. I have to have everything clean I'm just horrible at organization. I'm pile girl. There are piles in a few spots one in particular I affectionately call the sh*t corner. Every so often I go through the piles and keep and toss. Then sometimes what gets kept gets put in another pile usually in a drawer until I go through again and re-sort. It's a lot of work being this disorganized but sometimes I'm just not ready to part with children's artwork or inspiration magazine tear out.

So I'll live with my irritable habit and hope that someday I'll have an epiphany and become Miss Non-Pile. No worries I'm not going to regale you with my resolutions of neatness because there is no way that's going to happen. But I do love to hear your tales of what you do well and things you need to work on, makes me feel good that I'm not the only one.

{images from Miss Perfect}

December 11, 2009

He's Chuck Bass

I love Chuck Bass, obvs because he's Chuck Bass. Need I say more? But has anyone else noticed that he's been looking kinda hot lately?

{all images via the CW}

July 1, 2009

City girl

I'm so not the outdoorsy type but I kinda want to be with a tent like this.

[via Country Living]

June 29, 2009

Lemon Blueberry

Ever since I came home I've been plotting on how to make time to head to Sprinkles for their seasonal Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes. They're gone after July 3rd and I must have one. How pathetic am I??

[image via Sprinkles]

May 8, 2009

Secretly geeky

I love fashion and adore design as much as the next girl, but secretly I'm also a sci-fi geek. I'm hoping to see this sometime this weekend.

April 27, 2009

Today's medicine

I'm currently self-medicating with these. Yum.
What's your favorite med?

April 16, 2009


While browsing Etsy I spotted an article about prom dresses. This one in particular made me click. I love it and if I were 17 this is what I would be wearing. Oddly enough it looks a lot like a prom dress that I did wear, raspberry with a sequined bodice and a bubble skirt. This must be the updated version. So let's talk prom am I the only one who wore hideous dyed to match shoes?