If you're like me there's been a lot of eating and decorating going on. But it all started Tuesday with Big's Thanksgiving Feast and him starring as Safe Boy in an original first grade fire safety play.

{Big brushing up on his lines for the play}
Followed up with Wednesday cooking and Thursday's traditional family and turkey eating day. The big day of course has no pictures, oops.
{Insert photo here: Pretend it's me eating a gigantic plate of starchy food}
Then there's Friday's ASU game. Dad took both Big and Little to the game and I went home and started the decorations. Seriously how lucky am I? I almost felt guilty going home from tailgating all alone.

{The fab four, Littles with their cousins}
{Oh and yes if you're wondering Little beats to his own drummer. He's sporting the Eminem look}
Then there was the Friday night tree decorating, (as you can see most of the ornaments are concentrated at the bottom), Christmas song singing, hot chocolate drinking extravaganza. Whew, I was tired after all of that but it's a four day marathon people, we have lots to do!

Saturday morning my sweet sister came over and kindly offered (well I pushed her out the door) to take the kids to the park so Mr. SFD and I could get all of the Christmas boxes back up in storage. In honor of Christmas being out and boxes put away Mr. made some Merry Christmas Margaritas. After a little afternoon lie in watching a movie we decided to go head to downtown Tempe to go to their local light parade. Thankfully we got there early to snag some front row seats.

To round out the weekend on Sunday we went to church, we had a family birthday party, a holiday decorating pit stop at my sister-in-law's and then we went to my parents to decorate gingerbread boys and their tree. Whew. You tired yet?

{Their masterpieces}

{Big is quite the helper this year}

{Little decided that his Aunt's phone is far more fun than decorating}
I know it sounds like a lot but I have to tell you I (almost) enjoyed every minute of it. I don't know about you but my kids are ba-nanas right now with their excitement over the holidays. Even though I may get a little testy I just try to remember how exciting this time is for them. Right? I just need to keep repeating this mantra. Anyways I've really just come away from this family weekend, super thankful and happy. I hope yours was just as good!
you have been busy! It's a fun time to be in the midst of all the holiday hustle and bustle..it goes by so quick...enjoy it!
wow, busy weekend! we were supposed to put up the tree but never got around to it. i did get a lot of my home projects done though which i posted today.
your family is too cute!
Wears me out just reading this! And I was there for most of it...
I love the "skeleton" gingerbread man!!!
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