It's been a looong time since I've talked about my couch potato ways but have any of you watched Parenthood?

What do you think? I really only started watching because I LOVE Lauren Graham. Still on the fence. I could most def do without Monica Potter (she bugs) which is a shame because I adore Peter Krause who plays her husband. And Erika Christensen not a big fan, but still like much better than Monica. 

Have you watched? I know I'm not the only Gilmore Girls fan who watched only because of Lauren.
Watching it now, this and Modern Family, 2 of my new fave shows. I could do with out Erica too.
Too funny! I was drawn in with Lauren Graham and Peter Krause (Gilmore Girls & Sports Night being my all-time favorite shows). I don't like the actresses you talked about either but I think it helps that their characters are semi-annoying too (like that they are supposed to be). I'm still not sure what I think but so far, I'm more positive about it than negative! Most shocking so far though...that Dax Shepherd doesn't completely annoy me! :-)
I like the show too. I agree with you on Erika Christensen. I don't like her at all. I like Monica Potter and Peter Krause as well as Lauren Graham. It's a good show.
Hey doll!! I left you a little something on my blog ;)
Come check it out!
This is the only non-reality one-hour show that I watch! I looooove Lauren Graham--she's so beautiful. I can't wait to see her hook up with the 27 yr old James Franco-esque teacher. Erika bugs me too (I thought she was Julia Stiles for the longest time).
I haven't but sounds like a great cast. Is it at all like the movie?
oh i want to but i haven't!!! love lauren graham and so curious to see monica potter...if only because the song "mrs. potter's lullaby" by counting crows was written about her! my dreamiest dream, a cool song written about me...lucky lucky girl!
I have high hopes that this show keeps getting progressively better because I like family dramas-and there aren't many on tv anymore. I loved Peter Krause on Six Feet Under and Lauren Graham. Not crazy about Erica Christiansen either, but that women who is flirting with her husband is super creepy - so I am still rooting for her!
Haven't seen it yet, but I remember thinking I'd like this show when I watched the previews, I really like Lauren Graham.
Thank you for the great post – I had fun reading it! I always enjoy this blog.
I really enjoyed reading through this write-up. I most certainly will be coming back to read some more intriguing ideas. Thank you.
I feel exactly the same way!! I loved her on Gilmore Girls, and thus far I saw that she has come through- but as for the other 2(Potter and Christensen) I am also not sure... I am loving Modern Family though!
I am TOTALLY a gilmore fan watching for her alone! I am not sure yet either! Wasn't a fan of last weeks, but I haven't seen this weeks yet...
if I had known Lauren was on this show, I would have tried watching it by now. I'm ready to dig into a new show. Thanks for the tip!
ok. I'm a die-hard Gilmore Girl fan, seriously miss that show everyday. I've been watching Parenthood and agree totally about the cast - I'll watch anything with Peter Krause. Erika bugs big time - and her husband w/ that hippie mom? not ok.
Love Lauren Graham but haven't gotten to watch Parenthood just yet. Is she as witty and quick in Parenthood as in Gilmore?
I tuned in for the same reason - Lauren Graham. I'm not completely sold on it but since I've watched each week it must be growing on me.
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