Gabrielle at Design Mom has set up Love for Nie Day, it's lots of auctions with proceeds going to help their recovery. Please go check her out because there are so many wonderful services and goods to be bid on.
I do have one thing to ask though and it's rather embarrassing (me now hiding my face), does anyone else think that Lauren's youngster date Doug is cute?
{image via Martha Stewart}
I love the zucchini muffin recipe from Domestic Reflections, we made them today and they were yum.
I love the matchbooks that Erika matted and framed for her house.
Last but not least I love the Au Revoir cake that Anna had made.
and he told me I would look like this...
Why are husbands so clueless sometimes?
{image via Poppytalk}
The thing about projects like these is that I think I could totally do it but I don't have any tools or tool knowledge to do it. I think maybe I should take some sort of class has anyone else out there taken a shop class as an adult?
{images via Country Living}
I am an evil troll
**Updated photo courtesy of my friend Jenn**
The only thing I did find really interesting was Spencer's behavior towards Heidi's sister. Seriously just when you thought it wasn't possible to be any ruder, he made it happen. I don't know what I would do if a bozo like that was living with my sister, maybe I would have to make plans to kidnap her to see the light. The fact that Heidi is ok with this super mean villain just boggles my mind.
This year Meredyth is walking in the 3 Day for the Cure with her husband and sister. You can read her story here and her husband's here, basically what I'm asking is if we each take a minute to do what we can for those we know who may be walking in the 3 Day for the Cure or for those who may be suffering with some sort of cancer, because it really does touch each of our lives.
I was lucky enough to be introduced to one of the best wedding blogs out there called Blue Orchid Designs. Liene asked me to do a little Meet the Reader feature today so you can check me out there. So thanks Liene for asking me to be part of your blog, I'm honored.
Anyone else out there with the same monkey on your back? I'm doing my best to quit and it gets easier I just have to not automatically reach for them anytime I need to dry my hands or wipe up a little water. One day at a time.
My son is 4 so he would kill me for saying this because at some point he will be embarrassed that I'm posting this for all the world to see but oh well a mom's prerogative. So lately my life consists of staying up too late then washing sheets every day. Probably way too much information but I feel the need to explain myself as to why I have little to no time lately to share lovely things with you. It's because I'm stuck in my sucky laundry room washing sheets and making beds.
{image via flickr}
{via Jaimee Rose}
Let's just talk for a minute about my weekend. Pretty much perfect until last night. You know on Friday how I was all "woo hoo" well today not so much. We had yummy dinner Friday night at my brother's then Saturday I drove to Tucson for what seemed like a super promising girly trip. My sister and I went to lunch, read magazines, then did the requisite chick flick Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (cute by the way). After the movie we decided to stop by the groc to get stuff to make dinner. At the check-out I thought it was really weird that my debit card wouldn't work, I had just gone to the bank before I left so I thought maybe my strip was bad. So we got home I made dinner for her and her roommate then I remembered my card so I made a quick call to the hubs and there it was...$322 charged at some random Walmart. He quickly called the bank to stop the transactions but before we did it there was another for $450ish again at Walmart and honestly who knows how many more there might be pending out there since my card didn't work...scary!! Of course they had to go to a Walmart right? Figures, not to mention I just know they bought a Wii because my sister just got one and it was exactly $322. I don't even have an effin Wii (again highly would recommend one they're super fun) so I'm sad and mad. Monday should be fun checking our credit, cancelling cards and trying to get the whole money thing straightened out.
These vases brought a smile to my face and reminded to stop and smell the roses once in a while. I'm really looking forward to my weekend we are barbecuing at my brother's tonight and tomorrow I'm off for a short little weekend trip to visit my little sister in Tucson before she starts pharmacy school. So please enjoy your weekend and the last little bit of summer before we all get back into the routine of school, work and cold weather!
Happy weekend!
Why is Blayne so strange? His obsession with tanning, his weird scary face and not to mention the whole, "I want to eat you" thing just seemed a little too Hannibal Lector for my taste. I could get over the whole Blayne-licious thing but in the end he is just freaky.
Keith please stop being so effing irritating, I can't put my finger on it but you are beyond annoying I would love to just turn off the TV anytime I see your mug.
So talk to me people who are your faves and freaks.