My pal Rikki The Invitation Lady is throwing her first annual Grazin' & Games Party, an evening filled with food and sport. The traditional adult games will be played cards, pool and the like but I'm thinking it might be fun to roll in with any of the following games to shake it up a bit.

Egg and Spoon Race

I think that they would be hilarious after a couple of these cocktails appropriately named Goodnight and Good Luck.
I'll take 2 of the bottom picture and attempt the 2nd picture - you know how funny that would be???
What a sight!! :)
I would totally attempt the 2nd picture too! Can't you just see us Leaping for the Lord, ha ha hah!!!
That cocktail sounds great. And I love that mug. My grandma used to have some just like that. Keeps the drinks good and frosty. :)
All the fun games from childhood and a drink for the adult in us!
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