Many of us here in the Valley have been following the story of blogger, Stephanie Nielson of NieNie Dialogues. She was in a plane crash with her husband recently and they are currently in the hospital with 3rd degree burns covering most of their bodies.

Gabrielle at Design Mom has set up Love for Nie Day, it's lots of auctions with proceeds going to help their recovery. Please go check her out because there are so many wonderful services and goods to be bid on.

So while you may not have any money to spend a little prayer and good wishes sent their way would be so appreciated. Thanks for being so cool!
I keep running across this story today, and though it's sad I am happy to see such a large community of people coming together to help out this incredibly brave family. It's refreshing to see people active in helping and praying for these people. I will have them in my thoughts today and hope for a quick and successful recovery.
Sarah - I totally agree bloggers are a cool group of people. :)
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