August 6, 2008

Hable Construction

Hable Construction's goods are rad, please see below.

Sunshine Cosmos Storage Box

Fuchsia Rope Cot

Leather Handled El Hombre Tote


amber {daisy chain} said...

OMG, who knew I could get excited over a storage bin! Love that yellow pattern.

Sarah's Fab Day said...

I know right? For me the excitement is for the cot, I'm just trying to figure out what I might do with it.

Anonymous said...

The cot looks really good to me right now. I personally would take a big fat nap on it! LOL.

Sarah Ring said...

That cot wants to live on my patio, it want's me to sip a margarita and flip through Elle Decor while laying on it sunbathing. Let's give the cot what it wants ok? :)

Sarah Ring said...

THAT COT IS UNDER $200!! Some one pinch me please!

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Maybe I could put the cot at the end of the bed instead of a bench and then when the littles come to crawl in the can do the cot instead. Hmmm...too mean?

Sarah Ring said...

Not mean at all! Look at that adorable cot! I'll sleep at your place if I get the cot! JK!

jora said...

I have been drooling over Hable's stuff for some time now. I really really, really need that cot. :)