It's almost here, the invitations have been received and most of us are deciding what to be. I just got a good laugh at Mamacita's choice for my costume, loved it! So let's talk costumes, Rikki is having her annual Halloween party and this year the twist is it's a Celebrity Ball. You must come dressed as a celebrity and I have my costume all worked out. I'm going to just say it out loud no surprises for moi, I've decided to go as Coco Chanel. I have the perfect vintage coat and shoes now all I need is this little cheapie and I should be set.

Here's the kicker I had the BEST costume picked out for the hubs and he being the good sport that he is said he would do it.

I thought it would be perfect going together as two Chanel designers...but now I don't think he's going, no babysitter. So here's my dilemma, do I scrap my costume because honestly without my other half mine seems kinda lame. The thought of him dressed as Mr. Lagerfeld is hilarious! Thoughts??
You still have two weeks to find a babysitter or a buyer for your children. You can't miss that party!
Well the party is Friday and I will be attending I'm just not sure if I should keep my costume?
My thought is I'm so sad I do not get to see Michael dressed like that :(
I think you would be okay flying solo as Coco Chanel for sure! But I would have loved to see some pictures of your man dressed as Karl Lagerfeld!! :)
I will babysit...JUST to see Micahel as "Karl"!!!!
Can your kiddies go trick or treating with \a group of their friends and parents and then sleep over at their houses? Honestly because halloween falls on a friday this year all the high school/ college girls are going to be partying it up (instead of the usual weekend before) so I would give up trying to find one! Unless you have an old lady in the neighborhood or family nearby. he HAS to go as lagerfeld though... try to work it out!
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