I love it when things happen organically like tonight with Big and book reading. I'll give you a little back story, I love to read. I've always loved to read, I remember in first grade learning in the little reading groups starting with Rockets, moving to Surprises then the third one Footprints, it was like finally! Amazing what you can remember when you really enjoy something. Big had a book fair at his school a couple of weeks ago and I picked up a few new chapter books. He isn't reading chapter books yet but since I read aloud to the kids I decided that from time to time I needed stories with a little more meat than picture books. I usually stick to the classics, stories I enjoyed as a child that I think he would like too. We've read Stuart Little, some of Henry and Ribsy, a few Junie B's and The Magic Tree House series. This time I picked up Mouse and the Motorcycle and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We started with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I think we've both fallen completely in love (well me again) with it. Oh Roald Dahl, you are so good with words and imagery, I've forgotten and it's been a joy.

Last night we read two chapters and tonight since the story was so good we read seven. And I'll try to do my best not to cheat and read ahead so it's a juicy surprise for both of us. After every couple of chapters I would stop and we would chat a little bit about the story, like how some of the kids that got the Golden Tickets didn't seem very nice and how it was sad that Charlie was so poor and how fortunate we are, I loved that the lessons happened naturally and Big was excited to read more of the story. At the end of our reading session he was sad that we were done so I mentioned that there we movies too and it might be fun to watch them and then compare how the movies were different than the book. Then we decided that Big would write a little about the book and do some illustrations of the story (his idea, well the drawing part). It made my heart swell just knowing that hopefully the kids will share my love of books and reading. Now I just need to compile a list of those books that I think they will love. I already know he'll get a kick out of Ramona, the rest of Roald Dahl and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle any other suggestions?
Did Dahl write "The BFG?" I really liked that one and I think Big would like it a lot too.
yes he did! my kids loved that book, in fact two of them did reports in elementary school on Roald Dahl they admired his writing so much! check out the "hank the cowdog" books. it's been awhile but i remember my oldest son belly laughing they were so funny. love that you read with your kids sarah... it's the best thing!!!
I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when I was a kid! Read the sequel too,(it was okay!) I also read the Fantastic Mr. Fox,(loved the movie!). I used to love horror stories and strange quirky short stories like "The Lottery" and "Little Miss Hickory".
Almost forgot another creepy story I read in school by Roald Dahl, "Lamb to the Slaughter". Don't read it to the kiddies but read it yourself!! http://www.answers.com/topic/lamb-to-the-slaughter-story-8
Awww that was the best post! But you made me feel guilty because I do not nearly read enough to my children. 7 Chapters!! Can you read to me? I always loved Boxcar Children and Sideways Stories from Wayside School!!
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