Normally I don't mind Mondays but today I have a mild case of them. Our dishwasher is broken and I'm still waiting for the part to arrive to fix it, enough said. The boys can't seem to get along, at present they're separated so fixed for now. Lastly I'm still a little bit sad about the Cards losing the Superbowl. What do you do to cheer yourself up [when shopping therapy isn't an option]?

[cheeriness supplied from here]
hey! remember- you were at the happiest place on Earth!! bummed about the Cards as well...I wanted a Cinderella story ending for Warner :(
I will say I'm a little more bummed about the Cards than I anticipated. I keep feeling like it didn't really happen like that.
Dark chocolate, red wine, and a good friend.
Music. There are a bunch of free MP3s at Amazon right now -- give them a listen and see if you find anything new that you like. It's like shopping but without the credit card.
Oooh, I hate that "transition time" with offspring after a trip. It's rough. I'm throwing out a few ideas for cheer.
Option a)
Retail therapy binge and purge. Scope a favorite store and find something expensive and glam. Try it on. Put it on hold. Leave. Go home and pour a glass of wine or bake brownies.
Option b)
Meet a friend for lunch or mani/pedi. If that's not an option I'll settle for a chatty phone call
Option c)
Glass of wine after kiddo put-downs and go play in your closet. Plan the next day's outfit; pick out something you wouldn't normally wear on a regular day. Clearly the least expensive and most creative option. Besides, everything feels better with wine on a partially empty stomach.
Option d)
Internet retail therapy. Very dangerous. Don't recommend this one. Just ask my Visa statement or husband.
I like to go for a walk... listen to music and sing... or PAINT!!!
ENJOY your week!
cinnamon toast? it works for me.
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