For those of you reading in Arizona I would love your help, I don't know if you're a letter writer but this is one of those times that letters are needed. This is a post from Amy asking for our help and support for children with disabilities, one more letter could mean so much!

Please Advocate for Zach and OthersNever in my life have I been so effected with State budget cuts made in response to our economy. For the first time my family is experiencing what it means when children with developmental disabilities no longer receive services due to budget cuts. Zachary has been receiving physical, speech, occupational, and developmental therapy four times a week now since about 1 month of age. He now will no longer receive any therapy funded by the State. Therapy is crucial for him. He is still not sitting, holding a bottle, eating food with his hands, or playing with toys. That's not to say he hasn't had his accomplishments. He has worked hard with his therapists and can now lift his head, eat baby food, roll over and he has started "babbling." To put this in perspective, Zach is one year of age as of the 15th of this month. He desperately needs these services to be given a fair chance of basic skills such as eating, walking and talking.We have asked so much from you this last year. We have appreciated your prayers and support more than you know. We are asking once again for your help to advocate for Zach and the other 4000 families in this same position. I have enclosed directions and a sample letter to encourage your legislator to reverse this decision. Thanks again for your support.
Sarah! Thank you, thank you for advocating for Zach and these little ones. We so appreciate it. Amy
Ok, you rock even more than I thought. :) Thanks my love, all your love support means the world!!!! My nephew is so stinkin cute, huh!?
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