November 21, 2008

Quick cure

I didn't get a chance to pick up some flowers yesterday, maybe today. My day did end on a good note; the kids and I made pancakes for dinner, they took a tub and then we read books. Lots of yummy butter & syrup and tons of cuddling, a quick cure for a crummy couple of days.


Courtney said...

that sounds like the most perfect cure ever!

Anonymous said...

Breakfast for Dinner is a big fave in this house! Glad you got some cheer!

Elena said...

This picture is the epitome of what my blog name is all about. Breakfast food is so joyous and delish! With your permission, I've totally gotta yoink this pic! :)

erin said...

sounds like a good start to getting out of a slump. hope you're feeling better and that things are looking up.. if not, try adding chocolate chips to your next dinner pancakes!

Aartee said...

yum! pancakes fix EVERYTHING :)

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer that breakfast for dinner can cure all the world's ills!

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Thanks everyone for the pick me up!!

amber {daisy chain} said...

hooray for pancakes - I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better!

simply seleta said...

You're a way cool mom.