June 10, 2008


Lately out in blogland there has been much ado about Wisteria, so I had to check it out. Lucky me, I found a couple things that would be perfect for my abode.

Chinese Willow Planter

Domino Box


Anonymous said...

The Domino Box, definitely, I can totally see this in your home.

I ♥ You said...

they have such cute stuff. damn them for discontinuing my book case!

Anonymous said...

I love the domino box - that is too cool!

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Jenn - I know the Domino is so me, the other items are for when my playroom turns back into a living room, hmmm...maybe in about two more years. :(

Q - I totally agree those crummy snakes how dare they discontinue something so fabulous?

Thanks Diana - the box isn't pricey either, I'm going to have to get it!

Fifi Flowers said...

FUN post! Love the bookend knobs and dominos! Thanks for stopping by my site with compliments! :)


LOve the website- Great Post

cotedetexas said...

Thse must be new items!!! I've never seen these - beautiful!!!!

Thanks for your comment!!

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Fifi, C.G. & Cote - Thank you so much for stopping by, glad you like.