March 4, 2008

Life's Soundtrack

Earlier today I was watching the the boys play and I noticed my older son singing an action-like song while he was playing. It dawned on me that he plays with his own soundtrack, how cool is that? It got me thinking I'm always going in 50 directions and I think that I need a soundtrack too, it might keep me more focused. Hmmm...what songs would go on this? I think I need all types fast for being on the go and something mellow to try and relax.

The only thing that I can think of off the top of my head is my personal fav Madonna. Seriously, her tunes have been there since (sadly) 5th grade. I need more please. I need some new tunes for my life's soundtrack, any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

LOVE this idea - infact I think we all have our personal soundtrack and don't realize it... Some suggestions???? I would have to give it some serious thought. I think you have insried some choreography... I'll get back to you on this....

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now that you totally have me thinking about this. These are the songs I have thus far...

1. Ray of Light (Madonna) - for the 2 little rays of light in your life!

2. Harder, Better,Faster, Stronger,(Daft Punk and not the on with digleberry-Diddy) - this song really gets you moving!!

3. Love Stoned (Justin Timberlake) - well, because everyone needs a little Justin in their day.

4. Glory Box (Portishead) - when you need a momoent to totally sit and relax...

Ok, so only four off the top of my head, but I think they are pretty fitting.

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Thank you, thank you! This is why I love you so!!!

Anonymous said...

Anything Justin, anything Gwen :)