They no longer seem to be carrying one of my favorite cleaning products. Boo!! Now I'm going to have to search for it. I like being able to just do my Target run and pick it up. Seriously folks if you have stone countertops this stuff is magical, it's green and smells really good.
September 30, 2010
Darlings I'm not ignoring you. When I have a lot going on I almost always get a bout of insomnia. Yes, it sucks but thankfully I know it's not chronic. I haven't been feeling myself and finally last night I broke down and took something to help me sleep. I think an easy nights rest was just what the doctor ordered because I'm feeling much better this morning already.
So check back with me later, I might even be feeling more chatty.
September 27, 2010
Orange + Black
I love fall so I'm so ready to do something with orange and black for Halloween. Do you decorate for Halloween or do you skip it all together? Since I've had kids and they get all excited about it I don't mind at all. Just nothing too scary or cheap looking. Some of the Halloween decor at the stores makes me cringe. I'm thinking something a little more subtle and spooky like one of my favorite local stores The Willows.
Ok well maybe after the weekend. I'm a busy girl this week with the party headed to AZ.
September 22, 2010
I just can't help myself
I hate to just snag pics from the latest shelter cover but I just can't get enough of the October cover story from House Beautiful. As much as I think I would love a more neutral home it's always pictures like these that have me gaga over a little red.
I especially like the art. Oh and the map wallpaper and I can't forget the threadbare Persian.
{design by Daniel Sachs via House Beautiful}
September 20, 2010
We might go camping
Are you all campers? Big is in Scouts and they are having their first camp out and it's kind of killing me to think about going. I know he will love it, the outdoors with his school pals will be his personal nirvana. But when I think about it I start to get itchy with anxiety. I'll start out with a few facts about me. 1. I don't camp. 2. Neither does my husband, so we have no camping gear. 3. It's camping!!??
So please be honest should I be scared, because I feel really scared. Planning it out, putting up a tent, bringing the kids, it's like planning a trip into space as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I should take a deep breath and visualize an unplugged, relaxing time. Help me am I getting warm?
September 16, 2010
Jackassery Confession
Do you ever do anything that kinda makes you feel like a jackass but you do it anyway? Mine is that I wear makeup to the gym. I think to myself what the hell really?! But then I find myself using concealer, mascara, gloss and a quick swipe of blush before I head out the door. I rationalize the gloss with who wants dry lips when working out. And the concealer and mascara who really leaves the house without that? It's the blush that's the kicker, I wear makeup to the gym. I'm lame.
So please confess all your silly little secrets right here, I know I can't be the only one.
September 15, 2010
Try it :: Jelly Shot Test Kitchen
Remember last October when I was dying to make these spooky jello shots? Now I've got something similar but a tad more sophisticated. Jelly Shot Test Kitchen. You heard that right peeps, classic and not-so-classic cocktails made into jelly shots complete with glam garnishes so they'll look right at home at your swanky cocktail party.
I'm hosting a group of gals for my sister's bachelorette party in town in a few weeks and the Friday night we're staying in and these might be perfect for our evening. Although the theme of the evening is Trashy Bachelorette so maybe the old school jello shots in the little paper cups topped with whip cream from the can would be more appropriate.
September 13, 2010
Glamorous Fall Chanel
Since cosmetics are the only Chanel that I can afford, yes please. I'll take all three.
September 12, 2010
A new Sun Devil fan
We got him! ASU's newest official fan. Saturday night wasn't Big's first football game but it was the first one that he really enjoyed. I was so glad that I got to be there while he cheered on his team.
He tried his best to get on the big screen at the game. So camera crew if you're reading this maybe next time?
September 9, 2010
Lorelei and what-his-name!
Hot and Cold
Tell me is it cooling off where you are? If so I'm jealous. It's seemed really hot here yesterday but this morning the air was slightly crisp. Cue happy dance! You have no idea how excited the thought of cooler weather makes me. So in an attempt to seem fallish I've started to put a sprinkle of cinnamon in my morning coffee. Maybe this little exercise will keep me from heading to Starbucks for my favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte...or maybe not. With the cooler weather I'm feeling productive. Cleaning? Blogging? Organizing? What should I do first? Maybe I should start with a simple stint outdoors.
What does fall do for you? Does it make you dread the winter that's coming up or are you like me ready to come out of summer hibernation?
September 7, 2010
I know more food...
Would you want to come to this party? It was an idea that got scrapped and think that maybe I'll have to do it at home.
September 6, 2010
Happy eating...oh yeah I mean Labor Day
Hope your Labor Day is labor free! I've just been coasting through the weekend or actually eating my way through it. It all started with a Wednesday lunch at Nobuo with the darling Jaimee.
If you're a Phoenix local you must go there! I had the tofu salad and we shared the short rib steamed buns which were deee-licious! We ate them so fast there was no time to snap a picture. Oh and I can't forget dessert because it's not a girly lunch without dessert.
Friday, The Coffee Shop with Little, Mom, my brother and my sweet nephew B. Their scones are to-die. Seriously. (You can also see The Coffee Shop ladies on Cupcake Wars.)
Saturday after pilates I had to go to Essence Bakery for an almond croissant with a side of caramel macaron. Bad, bad bad.
Last night we had my parents over for dinner and my mom brought the stuff for Iceberg-Blue Cheese Salad and Creamless Creamed Corn (recipes from this month's Elle Decor)and we grilled chicken. The salad and the corn, YUM.
I haven't checked the menu for tonight I'm crossing my fingers that it includes a grilled burger, preferably with grilled onions and blue cheese. So now you know what I've been doing (stuffing my face), what's up with you?
September 3, 2010
Read it :: thxthxthx
September 2, 2010
I wanna look like Kate
Well just her clothes really, I always dig her personal style. While I was out yesterday I had a few minutes to stop at a local consignment shop and I saw this
which is totally this, as seen on the most recent episode of The Rachel Zoe Project.
Although it wasn't $35 bucks it was still a good deal. Not super practical in Arizona and really where would I wear fur?
{former Kate affection can be seen here}
September 1, 2010
Take off the doors?
I have this lonely upper cabinet in my kitchen, for a while now I've wanted to take it down and replace it with open shelving. Well when your job title is Domestic Engineer sometimes the one income thing puts any home improvements on the back burner. So I've seen instances when people just take the doors off of their cabinets and line the back with paper or paint the inside. I've been toying with that idea. What do you think?
Close 'er up?
Or bye bye doors? Oh and sayounara Christmas dishes on the top shelf. UPDATE: The doors are off, easy as pie. Don't worry I saved them in a safe spot under my bed when and if I decide to put them back on. Now I just need to decide what to do with the shelves and the interior. Hmmm...