September 9, 2010

Hot and Cold

Tell me is it cooling off where you are? If so I'm jealous. It's seemed really hot here yesterday but this morning the air was slightly crisp. Cue happy dance! You have no idea how excited the thought of cooler weather makes me. So in an attempt to seem fallish I've started to put a sprinkle of cinnamon in my morning coffee. Maybe this little exercise will keep me from heading to Starbucks for my favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte...or maybe not. With the cooler weather I'm feeling productive. Cleaning? Blogging? Organizing? What should I do first? Maybe I should start with a simple stint outdoors.

What does fall do for you? Does it make you dread the winter that's coming up or are you like me ready to come out of summer hibernation?
{image from Country Living via Ritzy Bee}


  1. Thank you for this post today Sarah! I felt the "cool" air this morning and thought oh could this be fall?? I'm not going to get my hopes up, but thanks for inspiring me to enjoy what we can. I think I'll try some cinnamon in my coffee too. ;) Oh, and I always buy an "Autumn Walk" candle from Gold Canyon Co. Loooooove it.

  2. Camping and not having to DRIVE over 3 hours to escape the heat to do it!!!
    Looking for a new scent for candles to mix it up so Im most def going to try the "Autumn Walk" - thanks Andra!!!

  3. The fall season makes me want to bake things: pumpkin bread, apple bread, lots of bread. There nothing better on a cool fall morning than sitting on your porch, drinking coffee, reading a good book, and having a bite of homemade bread of course.

  4. Oh wow, you're gonna laugh. I used this exact same picture in yesterday's post. I think it's fair to say you have great taste. :)


Thanks for the chat friends!