September 2, 2010

I wanna look like Kate

Well just her clothes really, I always dig her personal style. While I was out yesterday I had a few minutes to stop at a local consignment shop and I saw this

which is totally this, as seen on the most recent episode of The Rachel Zoe Project.

Although it wasn't $35 bucks it was still a good deal. Not super practical in Arizona and really where would I wear fur?
{former Kate affection can be seen here}


  1. Did you buy it?? In Chicago I could totally rock that coat! I adored her on the Rachel Zoe project as well. There is just something about her.

  2. I think you and I are addicted to the same shows. Bravo rocks and so does that jacket!

  3. Oh, don't buy fur, it's gross. Your skin and style and self is beautiful enough without the animals being sacrificed.


Thanks for the chat friends!