October 30, 2009

New go-to face

I think this makeup look might just be my new go-to. Lately I've been wearing mascara, blush and a sheer red lip but now that it's getting chilly I think it's time to step up the eyes. The necklace isn't too bad either (l-l-love it). How's your face for fall? Do you make any changes to your look with the weather?

PS - I'll let you in on a little secret I just started using Latisse so maybe my eyelashes will be as long and pretty as hers lickity split. I'll keep you posted.
{bad a$$ necklace via Cup of Jo}

Do you heart TV?

I think it says a lot about me that really think this poster should be hanging somewhere in my office and I don't know if that's a good thing...

Besides the fact that it labels me as a plebian couch potato which is sorta embarrassing, I think it's cute and I do love me some TV.
{as seen on Desire to Inspire}

October 29, 2009


It think it's the pefect word to describe this home photographed by Emily Followill.

Yup, charming. What do you think goes on inside this perfect abode?

I bet it's the kind of place where the cookies never burn and there is never a spec of dust to be found.

October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Risotto

Sunday I was inspired to try Pumpkin Risotto by a piece in the New York Times written by the Life in Provence author Peter Mayle. I had all of the stuff and thought why not, his friend says it's delicious. I jotted down the instructions from the article and made my favorite risotto (by Sara Foster, naturally. If you've been around this blog you know I ADORE all of her recipes). So here it is adapted by moi.
*Sidenote: I'm not a photographer, food stylist or food blogger, I'm just a home cook who likes to share recipes from time to time. So the photos may leave a bit to be desired.

Here's what you need to get started:

1 small pumpkin (I grabbed one from the produce section that said “pie pumpkin”, it’s a good size)
1 Tbl Fresh marjoram or 1 tsp. dried
1 tsp dried oregano
2-3 Tbl Olive oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper

4 -5 Cups chicken broth
1 Tbl olive oil, or more as necessary
1 Tbl butter
1 small yellow onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 ¼ Cups Arborio rice
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
½ Cup dry white wine
1 Cup grated parmesan

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. To prepare pumpkin remove seeds and fiber and cut flesh into chunks leaving the skin attached.

With your hands mix chunks in a bowl with 2 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, pepper, marjoram and oregano. Lay the chunks skin side down put them in the oven for 20 – 25 minutes.

Remove them when the chunks of pumpkin are soft and the edges are tinged with brown, allow them to cool. When cool, scrape away the flesh from the skin and shred with a fork, set aside.

Bring chicken broth to a simmer (I usually just keep it in the microwave in a quart Pyrex pitcher and warm up as necessary).

Heat olive oil and butter in a large skillet and reduce to medium. When the butter is melted add the onion and cook until translucent, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute more, being careful not to let it brown. Add rice and cook, stirring constantly for about 2 minutes, until rice slides around easily in the pan and each grain of rice is coated with oil-butter. Add a splash more olive oil if the span seems too dry and season with salt and pepper.

Stir in the white wine and cook until it evaporates. Stir in a ½ cup of the warm chicken broth and cook constantly until the rice absorbs all of the broth. When you hear the rice begin to sizzle in the pan, add another ½ cup of broth.

{my 5 year old assistant helped with the stirring, I thought he deserved a pic.}

Continue cooking the rice way, adding broth ½ cup at a time, stirring constantly and waiting for the sizzle before adding more. This should take 20 to 25 minutes, you may not need all of the 5 cups of broth.

When the rice is tender and creamy stir in the pumpkin until it’s warmed through about 4 minutes. Add a bit more broth until the risotto reaches the desired consistency. Stir in half (or a little more) of the parmesan and a tablespoon and a half of butter.

Taste for salt and pepper and sprinkle remaining cheese on top when serving. Serve immediately.

**I'll give you a little feedback, I LOVED this. I thought it was the perfect fall dinner, I served it with a green salad dressed with walnuts, blue cheese and vinaigrette. When I made it I knew my husband probably wouldn't be crazy about it because he's not a big fan of squash. He wasn't a fan. He said it was the texture of the pumpkin. The pumpkin was a bit stringy so maybe next time if I puree the pumpkin he'll like it better. I was perfectly happy with it the orginal way but if you have picky texture peeps you may want to try the puree route.

Moms are rad

This is why Moms are so great

They show up to your house when you've been cooped up for days with sick kids with a treat for you wrapped up so prettily and one for the littles. Theirs was popsicles wrapped up with the same ribbon but I didn't get there fast enough to snap a picture.

Not only do they think of you when you're sick they surprise you with special things like vintage mismatched silver and vintage embroidered tea towels because they know stuff like that is your favorite.

How do we get so lucky?

Stark Antelope Carpet

For some reason all weekend I've been thinking about how to get this carpet into my home (aside from winning the lottery). Literally this is the stuff of my dreams, I obsess.

How cool does it look in the gorgeous home of Sally Wheat of Cote de Texas fame? I love some animal print.

October 25, 2009

Light and Bright

I know that warm and toasty is where it's at since it's fall but sometimes when you're home bound with a sick little light and bright is mighty appealing.

{from top images via House Beautiful, Domino, Southern Accents, vi.sualize}

October 23, 2009

We've got it

Well actually one of us does. My Big has a fever and a cough (please cross your fingers this passes soon) so I think this afternoon a bit of cuddling and reading will be just what the doctor ordered.
{library courtesy of House Beautiful}

October 20, 2009

Halloween Jello Shots

I know that jello shots remind you of those moments when you were too young to be at a bar but really wanted to be so you made these instead. This year I think I need to bring them back.

I saw these creepy jello shooters on Hostess with the Mostess and am going to try them. Maybe I can make these for the adults so they get a treat when they stop by with their kiddos.

On second thought I'm not too close with any of the neighbors, they would probably think I'm nuts if I offered one. So if any of you neighbors are reading this and recognize me from hanging out front while my little crazies play, ask me for one and you shall receive. Bottoms up!

Kate Spade Tokyo

I love the New York Kate Spade flagship store but the new one in Tokyo is pretty fab too. I mean how cute is this little brass owl? Love him.

Not to mention the chandeliers and the floor...so much shopping goodness.

October 19, 2009

Can I be her...just for a day?

This morning I really want to be this girl going somewhere fun. It doesn't have to be the super exciting kind, more like the meet-the-girls-for-lunch kind with a little shopping for dessert.

I would also like to order up some cooler weather while I'm at it. What's more likely to happen I will schlepp myself to the shower at some point and then I'll take Little and Cousin to school. There I will try to work my art show magic because that's coming up.

My fall decorating fell really short with all of the school stuff going on. So cross your fingers that tonight after the littles go to bed I will get some motivation to finish my gilded pumpkins. {These aren't mine but I got the idea from Jaimee}

Mine are half finished sitting in my entry way. Just typing that makes me embarrassed. Ugh.
{images from top via This is Glamorous, Srilu Viene and Jaimee Rose}

October 16, 2009

Happy Weekend!

Please pardon the break in regularly scheduled programming this past week. I've been a busy bee painting a huge pumpkin and the accompanying accessories for Harvest Fest.

Along with lots of classroom and event volunteering for Big and a field trip for Little. {Let me just tell you a pumpkin patch visit in the triple digits pretty much sucks. Don't worry the kids loved it and I act like I do too until I get home to whine to Mr. SFD.} My long weekend last weekend caught up with me this week. Hope your weekend is wonderful friends!

October 15, 2009

Fifi Lapin

As you know I adore Fifi Lapin {the world's most stylish bunny} so I was so excited to see that her sweet little mug is on some shirts from F21. I want one but I'm kinda worried that I'll look like a old hag trying to look young. Eww, I know we all hate that. Maybe I'll wear it as jammies...


Kristen from Domestic Bliss was nice enough to send a poster for Blissfest 09 my way so if you're a Phoenix area local you must go! If you've ever been to a Domestic Bliss event they are always super cool {and very pretty}. This years event has a western theme so make sure to rock some boots when you go!

Nie will be there, so will Heather Bailey not to mention lots of rad vendors that you can see here.

October 14, 2009


Does anyone else love this show? It's just so cute and hilarious at the same time.

This was from the first episode, I was hooked. Can't wait for tonight.

October 13, 2009

New Do

Have I shared with you all that I want her hair? This is my new growing out inspiration. How does she get it so sleek and shiny...or is it just dirty?

PS - Please don't hate, I know she needs a sandwich. I'm just after her hair.

{image via Garance Dore}

October 8, 2009

October 7, 2009

Busy, busy

Why is it when you're busy, you're really busy? It's almost as if all fun things inevitably are on the same day so you must choose. Then to add to it, just pile on a few {million} other errands and must-do's around the house. That's me today so in an effort to waste a bit more time I'm going to blog about it.

This is where I'm headed this weekend. I can't wait! Every fall I dream about heading out of town but we're usually stuck here for football games. My in-laws rented a cabin for the long weekend (My kindy has fall break) and they invited us to join them. The beauty of living in AZ there really are so many pretty {and ahem, cooler} places to visit only a couple of hours away.

So in the meantime I have lots to do today:
  • Yippee! Meet a friend for coffee.
  • Go to groc for forgotten things for school snacks.
  • Paint giant pumpkin for son's school.
  • Get more paint to paint giant pumpkin and various other things for Big's school project.
  • Go to grocery store to get ingredients for the meals that I will be making this weekend.
  • Bank
  • Ugh...laundry and LOTS of it.
  • Pack for the trip.
  • PTO Meeting (I really wanted to go to the event at Changing Hands or to the Phoenix Art Museum to see The Last Emperor but you know how that goes).
What's going on for you today? Hopefully something much more fun than what I'm doing, do tell.

Fall Shoe Update

Here are the shoes on my wish list for Fall.

09 Fall Shoe Update

And get this, they're all under $100. Click through for details.

October 6, 2009

Check her out, Adrienne Hedger

Just a heads up for all of you local moms out there, there will be a book signing for the hilarious author and illustrator Adrienne Hedger at (one of my favorite places to hang) Changing Hands.

Changing Hands

Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00 pm

I was sent the heads up by Pittsy's Place and I've since been laughing daily at her blog. If you can please go, I'm sure it's bound to be funny.

October 5, 2009

Happy Monday

Morning friends, how are you this morning? Nothing beats the first weekend when it's not sizzling hot. The weather here was gorgeous and we had a wonderful weekend.

How was yours?

October 1, 2009

Trainwreck TV

Last night while I was doing my late night TV watching I somehow stopped on Toddlers and Tiaras. I can't explain why I watched it maybe it was curiosity but after a couple of minutes I had to stick it out and watch the rest, it was like a train wreck. Have any of you watched it? It's mortifying. I'm not trying to knock pageant girls (more just the pushy, crazy pageant parents) but here are a few of the snippets that I caught last night.

  • As she's being introduced, "Miss (don't remember) is 10 months old and she likes drooling and laughing"...LAME. A baby in a pageant?
  • Another 8 year old called herself, "smokin' hot". Wow, really is that so appropriate? The same 8 year olds parents were praising the qualities of Mountain Dew for the morning of the pageant because their girl was tired. WTF?!
  • They spend $1500 on a dress for a pageant where you can at best win a $600 savings bond. Not to mention spray tanning, nails, hair, fake teeth, travel costs, etc to go to the pageant. Hmmm...not a very good investment if you asked me.
I suppose parents spending money on pageants isn't any different than paying for club sports where you train year round but to me it's just doesn't feel the same. Don't get me wrong I will never watch this trash again but my question is who is watching it? Is it parents who want to be in the know for pageants or is it people like me who watch it once and can't seem to change the channel?