October 7, 2009

Busy, busy

Why is it when you're busy, you're really busy? It's almost as if all fun things inevitably are on the same day so you must choose. Then to add to it, just pile on a few {million} other errands and must-do's around the house. That's me today so in an effort to waste a bit more time I'm going to blog about it.

This is where I'm headed this weekend. I can't wait! Every fall I dream about heading out of town but we're usually stuck here for football games. My in-laws rented a cabin for the long weekend (My kindy has fall break) and they invited us to join them. The beauty of living in AZ there really are so many pretty {and ahem, cooler} places to visit only a couple of hours away.

So in the meantime I have lots to do today:
  • Yippee! Meet a friend for coffee.
  • Go to groc for forgotten things for school snacks.
  • Paint giant pumpkin for son's school.
  • Get more paint to paint giant pumpkin and various other things for Big's school project.
  • Go to grocery store to get ingredients for the meals that I will be making this weekend.
  • Bank
  • Ugh...laundry and LOTS of it.
  • Pack for the trip.
  • PTO Meeting (I really wanted to go to the event at Changing Hands or to the Phoenix Art Museum to see The Last Emperor but you know how that goes).
What's going on for you today? Hopefully something much more fun than what I'm doing, do tell.


  1. We will be up in the Mountains too.. however, while you are relaxing in the laps of luxury, we will be roughing it out in the middle of nowhere!! Enjoy the cool weather I know we will. The good thing about camping whether is be cabin or tent its always a great excuse for SMORES!!!!!

  2. Oh I need SO many details on this place. Seriously. Where is it and can I rent it too? Love your blog as always. Wishing I could escape to The Last Emperor with you.


Thanks for the chat friends!