October 15, 2009

Fifi Lapin

As you know I adore Fifi Lapin {the world's most stylish bunny} so I was so excited to see that her sweet little mug is on some shirts from F21. I want one but I'm kinda worried that I'll look like a old hag trying to look young. Eww, I know we all hate that. Maybe I'll wear it as jammies...


  1. Ugh. I love those! I would totally wear. And F21 is even better! I don't care if I look like old hag. Waaaaay better than wearing an Ed Hardy shirt.....

  2. those are so cute! i love the one with the heart-shaped glasses!!!!!

  3. So going to one... cut it Flashdance style and wear it to my dance class!!! I just love Fif's (in my mind we are BFF) :)

  4. yeah... i loves it too. but anyone over 16 will look ridic in that.


Thanks for the chat friends!