February 3, 2012

Reminder :: New Year's Goals

Aaah! It's already been a week since I last posted. Sorry about that. Last month I posted an anonymous survey in which you could share your new year's goals/resolutions/hopes/dreams/etc. I realized that I haven't shared them with you yet and I think it would be a good time to revisit it now that we've got one month down.

{Organization seems to be the #1}
  • Get organized.
  • Eat healthier, work out more, keep my emotions more in check, take care of me before I worry about everybody else (because when I don't I've realized that NOBODY benefits), be more organized
  • To become more of a DIY mom and put my artistic ability to crafty work.
  • Stick to exercise routine
  • Turn the negative to a positive - instead of reacting negatively I will try to turn my thinking toward a positive reaction
  • NONE.
  • Lose the excess baggage: body and home.
  • Not resolutions. Goals. And not until February.Trying to make good decisions and plans right after the holiday craziness? The pressure for Jan 1 is dumb. I have more motivation if I wait.
  • Be more astute with my spending.
  • Smile more!
  • Find a job.
  • To organize and simplify my life.
Easy, ordinary stuff enough right? Well sort of . Think a little more deeply for a minute because I think it's the ordinary that affects us everyday. Those kinds of small changes are the ones that make life easier and happier it's just so tough sometimes to remember the little things during the buzz of the day to day. So for those of you that shared thanks for the reminder of  those little things that will add up for us this year. Tell me, how's it going?

{image via Emerson Made}

1 comment:

  1. I think Im going to take this and actually make this my life motto for 2012... "keep my emotions more in check, take care of me before I worry about everybody else (because when I don't I've realized that NOBODY benefits)" - this one really resonated with me!!


Thanks for the chat friends!