February 7, 2012

I'd like a dutch baby

I've been waking up too early for my taste. Sometimes I can fall back asleep and other times no. These 4 am wake up calls are beginning to get to me!

This is one of my all time favorite pins. Love it for my early mornings, ha!

The other night the kids spent the night at my moms and she made these for them in the morning. They were so pretty and more importantly really yummy. Just something you might want to try when you want to be a little more fancy than regular old pancakes. I wish I would have snapped a picture because they were insanely cute in their individual gratin dishes. Leave it to my mom to have the pretty table setting for my little messies.  

Sunday Pancakes

Sunday Pancakes by sarahsfabday on polyvore.com

Here's a little sample of something similar to what I would expect from my mom. Simple shapes with lots of bright cheery color, great way to start a Sunday morning. Click through for shopping details.



  1. I spotted that juicer at anthro the other day... now that I see it again, I really have to get it! Great color board!

  2. i would frame this for my kitchen!love it and reminds me that i need to go over to polyvore for play time more often. one of these days lets do lunch and a little anthro shopping. :)


Thanks for the chat friends!