October 19, 2009

Can I be her...just for a day?

This morning I really want to be this girl going somewhere fun. It doesn't have to be the super exciting kind, more like the meet-the-girls-for-lunch kind with a little shopping for dessert.

I would also like to order up some cooler weather while I'm at it. What's more likely to happen I will schlepp myself to the shower at some point and then I'll take Little and Cousin to school. There I will try to work my art show magic because that's coming up.

My fall decorating fell really short with all of the school stuff going on. So cross your fingers that tonight after the littles go to bed I will get some motivation to finish my gilded pumpkins. {These aren't mine but I got the idea from Jaimee}

Mine are half finished sitting in my entry way. Just typing that makes me embarrassed. Ugh.
{images from top via This is Glamorous, Srilu Viene and Jaimee Rose}

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