August 19, 2008


Anyone else kinda underwhelmed by The Hills debut? It was only OK, nothing juicy because we already saw the Lo/Audrina dramz on the commercials.

I am an evil troll

**Updated photo courtesy of my friend Jenn**

The only thing I did find really interesting was Spencer's behavior towards Heidi's sister. Seriously just when you thought it wasn't possible to be any ruder, he made it happen. I don't know what I would do if a bozo like that was living with my sister, maybe I would have to make plans to kidnap her to see the light. The fact that Heidi is ok with this super mean villain just boggles my mind.

{image via US Magazine}


  1. I know, i just commented about it on I*Heart*you... it was decent, nothing to write home about...

  2. The writing is just so fake sometimes, like when the sister told Heidi she was thinking of moving to LA. Spencer is so awful you wonder how Heidi can even stand to look at him. Lo seems super bitchy to me too.

  3. HA HA HA!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Evil TROLL is still too nice!!! More like SATAN'S SPAWN!!!!!

  4. That Spencer really chaps my hide, he's so RUDE!


Thanks for the chat friends!