August 18, 2008

3-Day Walk

I know most of the time I'm busy talking about my laundry, love of coffee mugs or trashy TV but sometimes I feel that I have to use my power of gab for something good. I know that most of us have been personally touched by cancer in our lives and sometimes it takes a little nudge to do a little something about it. Well I would like to share the story of my friend Meredyth who was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was pregnant with her second child, I didn't get the pleasure of her friendship until after she was through the first surgery and the birth of her beautiful son Max. Thankfully for me and our family she made it through because our lives are so much better for the friendship that they share

This year Meredyth is walking in the 3 Day for the Cure with her husband and sister. You can read her story here and her husband's here, basically what I'm asking is if we each take a minute to do what we can for those we know who may be walking in the 3 Day for the Cure or for those who may be suffering with some sort of cancer, because it really does touch each of our lives.

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