May 8, 2008

Sometimes I love killing time

Some days writing this blog is a nice little escape for me. A way to pretend I don't hear my kids fighting, a way to shirk some of that laundry and lately a way for me not to study. I have a big pilates thing coming up which requires memorization and honestly I can't remember the last time I had to do hard core memorization. I think it might have been high school chemistry, the periodic table, seriously! Anyhoo, I have a feeling that I'm not the only one out there that blogs to get out of doing something, so let's talk about what those things are. I'm ready to settle in for a nice little discussion any takers? What should you be doing that you aren't?


  1. the plans for my company to go to a conference in san diego. ya see, i get to plan our presence at the conference but i don't get to go. what's up with that?

    flash cards were always my memorization tool of choice along with sayings that trigged important things.

    good luck s!

  2. Thanks *H* for the luck I think I might need it!

    That really stinks you don't get to go to San Diego, I love it there. We head there (along with everyone else in the Phoenix metro area) every summer and for various long weekends. Maybe you can figure a way to wheedle yourself in there somehow...

  3. Oops! A day late and a dollar short..... The morning time is my time to read blogs, which just puts off starting the day with work, which I love but it still is work :)

  4. Ok, should I know this...are you getting certified to teach pilates? If so, that's what I want to do!!! I love having things in common with my blogging buddies. Good luck!

  5. Ruth - glad to see you are keeping the tradition alive of having a little me-time with your coffee before starting your work day. I was the queen of that but that was before I discovered blogs, I was obsesssed with reading Perez & TMZ, bad, bad me!

  6. Yes, I completely agree, sometimes I feel like my blog is my guilty little pleasure, really. I treat it almost as a journal of my thoughts, though I also find myself in blog-land when I should be starting my design web site...bad Amber. It's so easy to get distracted!

  7. I definitely put off doing work while I blog. Which ends up only hurting me because when I'm still at my computer come 6PM, I'm annoyed (at least it's at home though, right?!). And blogging is way more fun than doing laundry as a procrastinating tool!

  8. Aha that's it! A wonderful little procrastinating tool.


Thanks for the chat friends!