May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies out there! Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy your littles or bigs and have lots of fun.

To my Mom - I love ya, you're the greatest!


  1. Thanks, I love you too!

  2. hi- thanks for the comment - I agree with you about there being clutter even in the the uncluttered photos! It's hard to find pics that express what you mean exactly, you know? I tried. but I did notice that house #2 was a little more cluttered for a non cluttered house. hahaha!!! thanks for noticing though.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my had mentioned that you had been pregnant, so that means Happy Mother's Day to you too!!

  4. Hi there!
    Great blog- i love love love those wall decal frames- great find!- I hope you will come and check out our studio!- It is going to be a great place for creative gals like you to hang- we are loving to get everyone's input- so let us know your thoughts!


Thanks for the chat friends!