September 25, 2013

My fall baking plan

Being a mom is not for wimps. I'm sure everyone on the planet knows this but it's worth saying just one more time. The tedium of naps and diapers evolves into homework, sports and trying to help these small humans grow into a decent adults. Trying to keep them on track with homework and helping them navigate life without overstepping; letting them find their own way is a job in itself. It's like a giant act sometimes when you try to stay cool while inside you're cringing, steaming or laughing. The laughing is the best part so it takes the sting away from the moments that are not so hot. 

The kids have been in school for a month and thankfully life is settling into a routine. Routine I like, routine the kids like. So the ripping out my hair crazy person last week has morphed into "let's do this" mom. I like her much better, she's definitely much nicer.So when life settles and I feel nice I bake things. Baking for me is relaxing, making dinner NOT relaxing. I wish we could eat these Chai Spiced Sugar cookies I plan on making for dinner. I think a balanced meal is highly overrated. 

{recipe and image from My Baking Addiction}


  1. i'm leaving on a retreat friday...i'd like to come home sunday as the "let's do this mom". :)


Thanks for the chat friends!