September 9, 2013


Happy days people, it's been a rainy weekend in Phoenix. That's like your birthday, Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale and hot cocoa all rolled into one. We are crazy about our rainy days especially when they fall on the weekends. It gives us a pass to hang out, so this was me all weekend. Slug like, not pretty.

It's Monday the kids are at school and I'm ready for the week, kind of. I'm getting excited though because I know at some point it's going to cool off. Fall fever is almost in full effect, I'm dying for sweaters! Even though it's 107 out I'll still try to somehow manage a thin sweatshirt. I'm ready to do some baking but I hate making the house hot with the oven. Maybe I'll pull out some fallish items to make the house seem more cozy and charming, less like a sweat lodge (the unfortunate side effect of all the rain). 


  1. i wish i could take a nap and look like that, yay rainy days and fall. so happy!!!

  2. guess we all took a page from the same book!!! it was so nice to have rain!!!

  3. i love hearing the rain while I am snuggled in bed.

  4. Well, I'm glad you are blogging again. :) I enjoy the photos you choose and the words you write to express them. You don't need input from us. You have plenty to work with - YOU!


Thanks for the chat friends!