June 7, 2013

I'm bribing, any takers?

We don't have a pool because  I didn't want one when the kids were little. I was too scared of what could happen when they weren't good swimmers but now I long for a pool. No pool means we're at the mercy of our kind hearted friends and family. I will be calling begging for the brood to come over. I certainly don't want to wear out my welcome so we'll be the family bearing treats. Here are a few of the things that might be coming up this summer for pool bribery.

Any icy cocktail always works right? A libation will loosen anyone up even for my little crazies. I'll take on that challenge, I'l be the one who brings the good drinks! Mango Jalapeno Margs, Strawberry Rhubarb Sangria? Umm, hells yes.

Wanna keep things lively? Play Uno. I'm telling you to bring the cards! It fool proof.

Bocce works too but cards are more my style. The dudes seem to like it though.

If all else fails sweet treats! Homemade ice cream if possible. There is NOTHING better. I'm partial to Summer Peach but Mexican Chocolate (with Almonds OMG) also sounds amaze.

Summer motto : Be Prepared. 


  1. Card games are so underrated. People look at you funny when you take them out, but they end up having a good time.

  2. WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share and Great post,I really like your article and nice pic


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