February 8, 2012

Make me up :: New Faves

When I purchase cosmetics I'm that annoying girl that says things like, "I need a new lipstick" they show me ten they think I will like and I immediately choose something completely different. Or sometimes I sound like this, "Show me something new.", pretty vague but you can find some real gems this way. I like hearing about the products that the counter gals think are perfection and then I like to get dishy with them. They'll almost always steer you to their favorites at other counters too. I'm fickle like that, I like my makeup from lots of counters.

Approach #1: The one where I end up picking what I like instead of what they show me. One of my latest favorites in my lipstick rotation. Mac Rebel, I have dark hair and olive skin so it looks more pink on me rather than plum and whenever I wear it I get lots of compliments. Great for when you want a strong lip that isn't red.

Approach #2: The counter fave

Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow in Shore as eye shadow base or on it's own. It's life changing.

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Thanks for the chat friends!