January 22, 2012

Alt Summit Recap

Last night I got home from my whirlwind trip to Salt Lake City for the Alt Summit. Whew, I'm tuckered out. Lots of fun, girl talk and cocktails but more importantly lots of take aways (both good and bad) from all of the sessions. 

Make a Life List
100 things you want to get done. Easy enough right? We'll see how it goes when I attempt to put one together. I think I might make my husband do this one too. I think it would be a really interesting journey for us to both try and get our Life Lists completed.

Passion driven content that is good.
I heard this on my first panel and I don't remember who said it, but it really moved me to think about what I do here. This blog is play time for my interests but really could it be something more? My passion lies in teaching pilates; so who knows there might be more pilates/fitness content here at some point or maybe I'll start something new too. Regardless it has really given me a lot to think about. 

Is as cute, cool and nice in person as she is on TV. In case you wanted to know.

Vintage shopping.
Salt Lake City is good. Lots of cute clothes and vintage costume jewelry. Jaimee and I hit the jackpot and there is no better eye than local blogger Christina Brian from Full House. The girl has serious style and should host some shopping/styling trips here in Phoenix. (hint, hint Christina.)

Be nice.
This goes without saying, but not really not for some people. A smile goes a long way. 

Be authentic.
I heard this one over and over again. I feel that I'm real here with ya people but it's good to keep this in your mind at all times right? 

Pinterest is even more awesome than I thought.
One of the keynote speakers at the event was Ben Silbermann founder of Pinterest. The guy is a rock star in the most sweet, humble and inspiring way. Makes me love my favorite site even more. 

These are just a couple things that I came away with from Alt but there is a lot more. There was tons of networking going on and I know I'll have some great new blogs, shopping sites and products that I came away with so stay tuned!


  1. So fabulous meeting you at Alt, Sarah! And I completely agree with your comments... Ben was sweet, Christina oozes style, and everyone was sooo nice! I'll see you around the blogosphere!

  2. I LUB you Sarah!! Can we please hang out some more so we can drum up some more fun...


Thanks for the chat friends!