August 5, 2011

Lunches and some eye candy

Morning peeps, Friday already?! What's going on this weekend, anything fabulous? Me not really, but that's ok because we're just getting ready for the last weekend before the kids go back to school. School supplies, uniforms, shoes, check. Now it's back to thinking about the dreaded lunch packing. You've heard me commiserate over what to pack these last two years and now I have two kids to pack for. 

Easy you say? Not really so much. I have one who's pretty easy it's my newest little kinder who is the challenging one. Like ultra-picky, sensitive to food texture and looks, we went to feeding therapy kind of  kid. He's broadened his horizons considerably over the summer but I'm getting scared for the lunches. I'll just stay positive, for now. So instead of thinking of ice packs and sandwiches I'll think of pretty homes and where I wish I could live.

{images via pinterest, Lonny, La Dolce Vita}


  1. speaking of lunch, i see it in our future, luckily we are easy to please :). call you next week!

  2. No argument. This is indeed an eye candy :) the pool's water is crystal clear! wow!. I'd love to spend sundays with my family in pool..

    "kitchenaid artisan stand mixer"


Thanks for the chat friends!