May 3, 2011

Coming up :: Mother's Day

I just realized it's Mother's Day Sunday. Gulp. We usually host the Mother's Day festivities at our house and this year it isn't any different so I should probably call all the mother's huh? So for my present my husband called our former cleaning lady (when I worked) to give the current cleaning lady (moi) the week off. Yay. Yesterday I also did something I normally never do but I told the kids to tell Dad that I wanted cycling shoes for Mother's Day. Hehehe. I'm so tricky.

Also I think for this shindig I need some new table linens or something to brighten up the table. What do you think of this table by Eddie Ross as seen in In Style or the pop color in the napkins from Coco + Kelley? All I know is my linen closet is sucking right now and it needs some new things.

And what should we serve? Any wonderful ideas? Oh and for cocktails I think it's high time I actually try Lillet Blanc. (You know the drink that all the bloggers were gaga over like two summers ago? Yeah that one. I'm late to all the cool parties.)

1 comment:

  1. Those table napkins really brightened up the table! It just shows that fun colors work, too. Have you tried fair trade organic cotton table napkins or placemats? Check out Gianna Fair Trade for unique items!


Thanks for the chat friends!