April 28, 2011

Where I'm at

Hi all, sorry for the radio silence. We're actually out of town on vacation and I planned on blogging from the road but on the drive over we found out that a very close friend of ours had unexpectedly passed away. It is my husband's oldest friend, the God father to our oldest son and an honorary member of our family. We are heartbroken and trying to keep it all together because we haven't told the kids yet and figured we would cross that bridge when we get home.  So for now I'm enjoying the sun and will be home and back to blogging sometime next week. 

{via here}


  1. So sorry for your loss. Sending you good thoughts.

  2. So so sorry Sarah. Blessings to you and your family ~ Janet

  3. that picture, is exactly how I feel. Travel safely home!


Thanks for the chat friends!