March 5, 2011

Got brats?

Dear smug childless people and old grouches,

When you shout it out to the universe via facebook, twitter or shoot daggers out of your eyes let me be clear when a kid has a meltdown it's just as mortifying to the parents as it is to you. It's not like parents head out the door hoping to incite their child into a frenzy by saying no to fruit snacks, them being inexplicably hot, tired or hungry or simply looking at them cross-eyed. Grouches please remember what it was like to have a child and smug kidless peeps remember karma's a bitch and this could be you someday so try a little compassion.

Love, Me

PS - If you want to be mortified do it at the adult that has the haircut like this one. Because they unlike the kids have a little more choice in matters.


  1. Likes this!

    Preach it, sister. My favorite is the old people that get all in a tizzy at the restaurant on KIDS EAT FREE NIGHT. Hello?? Pick another night you crotchety malcontents.

  2. Go, girl! A friend of mine was in the Wal-Mart parking lot 2 weeks ago and a "helpful" old biddy actually gave her a brochure on child-rearing as her sick toddler was having a meltdown! I think they are all lucky that I wasn't there!

  3. Amen, Hallelujah!! But dying to know what brought this on... do tell!!!

  4. Well it wasn't anything that my littles did (this time) but I've been there when my kids are losing it and I get daggers, eye rolling and the like. It's irritating and it makes an already uncomfortable situation worse. The last straw was a crabby tweet from someone complaining about kids. Then I saw a guy in Target with this very haircut and decided that this look should receive the bitching and eye rolling.

  5. LOL LOL LOL ~ Sometimes it's really hard to let those ridiculous tweets, fb comments, etc. roll off your back. Sarah, I don't even "know" you, and yet I can picture you sitting there reading the tweet...and the irritation just start bubbling up. I've been there...still get there. I've even had to "hide" some family members so that I don't see some of their stuff. I'd likely get myself disowned :-). Love this post, made me laugh today. Thanks.

  6. Amen! Love this post! I totally agree. People need to stop living in their "perfect" world and realize that kids will be kids, meltdowns and all!! Thanks for a smile this morning!

  7. This is true on so many levels! Thanks for the giggle.

  8. (in the least smug tone possible)

    I have to agree with the anon poster. Smugness doesn't become anyone. And as a mother myself, I've often found other mothers just as smug about other people's children. Speaking in broad generalizations does nothing but create divides. I won't sink as low as saying 'can't we all get along' but it would be great if the smug took a moment to reflect before letting forth a tirade.

  9. Yes I suppose I could have pretended it didn't bother me and I could have skipped this post altogether. However sometimes I want to let it rip so there it is. I get it how kids are sometimes irritating to others but sometimes it's a bit much. I'm of the feeling that you don't really know what's going on with another family or children so stuff happens. When mothers apologize to me when their kids lose it (if my kids aren't with me) I always make sure to tell them I've been there. I'm not trying to start the next big mothering divide I was just saying how I felt at that moment, I'm certainly not perfect.


Thanks for the chat friends!