March 30, 2011

If you don't know, don't read.

Just a few things.

1. Yay!! My sweet geek crush Richard Blais won Top Chef.

2.  I loved that on the Top Chef finale they didn't talk about Curtis Stone being an anything more than an "acclaimed" chef. What they should of said was super hot chef with accent who also already does reality TV.  Doesn't matter with him as the host I'll totally watch Top Chef Masters. No worries Bravo I'm already yours but he does sweeten the deal. 

3.  Did you hear?! Brad's getting his own show!

 {images via Bravo, Bravo, info & image via Coco Perez}

Get it :: Swissmar Peelers

This time of year I often hear people bemoaning the fact that they fell off of the good eating wagon. Vacays are coming up, trips that involve swimsuits and beaches. Aaahh! Well here is a little tip that might help with that and it's super easy. Get these Swissmar Peelers, I'm loving the julienne peeler. Perfect for those chopped veggie salads that are so fun to eat but such a pain to make, without having to get out the food processor or mandolin.

This will make it much easier, promise. Just doing my part to help with the vacay plans. Don't forget the salad recipes here's a few oldies but goodies from Mark Bittman.

Pee Wee's Playhouse

On a scale of 1 to 10 how nerdy do you think it is that I sat through the HBO special Pee Wee's Playhouse?  I LOVED that show when I was a kid. I was even 11ish when it started but I still watched it religiously every Saturday. I thought it was hilarious and apparently still do. The fact that during Cartoon Time they showed Penny was the cherry on top.  Penny is the shiz. (Ooh this one is good too!)

I even had this magazine back in the day, my parents got it for me because I loved Pee Wee so much.  Anyone else watch it? 

March 28, 2011

Boy's Bunk

I'm slightly obsessed with this boy's bunk found over at Two Ellie.

That's all.

Wear it :: Movement

Movement. Do you ever think about it? I think about it a lot which you probably wouldn't really know reading this blog. I spend a lot of time poring over pretty images and things I think are cool but I never really share how cool I think movement is. We spend most of our time in some kind of movement yet we never really think about it and what powers it. This weekend I spent lots time thinking about it and how to articulate it to others. I'm now training teachers in the Pilates method. Wow. Working with clients is one thing but training teachers is such a big responsibility, I'm honored and I'll be honest a little bit scared. But right now I'm feeling excited!  So in honor of my excitement I won't bore you with details on movement but maybe what you'd wear to move, at least for Pilates.

Details HERE

March 25, 2011

Have some fun!

Don't you think turquoise is such a cheery color? I think any rooms that have it just seem fun. Because I'm sure rooms just wannna have fun too don't you think? Any big plans for the weekend? Tonight it's the Jayhawks game, with my sister, her husband in town and my brother being alumni, it's our must see. Then this weekend it's a pilates workshop for me, I'll be working so please go out and have some fun in my honor!

March 24, 2011

Entries and a game

Ahh, the glorious weather! Yes it's the time of year that all you cold weather peeps are jealous of. We have bright, sunny gorgeous days that people come from all over to partake in. (Now their driving...that's a topic for another day.) Anyhow my sister and her husband flew in to go to a few Spring Training games so we're headed out for a day at the ballpark. (Total side note but I don't think I ever shared mys sister's wedding pics on this blog. I know I did at The Invitation Lady but in case you were wondering THIS is where we went in November. She was such a gorgeous bride!)

So to continue with the total randomness of this post here's a couple of entries that I've had socked away in my picture files. Love them.

March 23, 2011

Do it :: Garden

When I moved to the Phoenix area I distinctly remember seeing yards that had green rocks. Apparently the low water way to have a lawn. How hideous is that? This is what you should do in the desert if you have a green thumb!

Isn't it pretty? On another note I originally saved this photo on Pinterest if you want to go and check out what I have pinned and lots of other gorgeous images.

March 17, 2011

March 16, 2011

Dish with me

My diet went well. I didn't feel deprived for one second. It was touch and go for a moment just remembering to snap a picture but it was good.  There were a few things I noticed while I was gone that I wanted to share with you but since I was dieting I decided to wait.

1. I think I need a stylish BFF that wears glasses with thick rims. Think Brad or Tommy. And apparently striped ties.

 2. Don't you think accessories are a quick way to spruce up what you have going on in your closet? Here are a few things that my closet is wishing for this spring. Wedges and new sunnies.

3. Let's talk TV for one moment, have you been watching Real Housewives of Orange County? It's so bad I have to cover my eyes at least 10 times per episode. Hopefully I can make it through. Tamra is pitiful and Gretchen and Slade? Eww, no more morning shots please I might just die. Do you watch Glee? I don't normally talk about it but I think that Blaine is my absolute favorite character and he's not even one of the main ones. He's just so adorable and is the best male singer hands down. Lastly on the subject the show that I love watch and am slightly embarrassed about is Kourtney and Kim take New York. Why? I have no idea, I'm like one of million other people in America, fascinated by the Kardashians. I definitely think that Khloe and Kourtney is where the entertainment is but Kim is stunning so I guess she can be allowed to stay.

Sorry, I know it's early but doesn't this slightly make you want to barf?

March 13, 2011


I know it looks like all Big does is play his DS but we're pretty strict about when he can use it. He is limited to weekends so when he's able to play he does and Little hangs out and acts as his cheering section. I couldn't help but snap a pic of them yesterday afternoon. Little sometimes takes any opportunity for a nap pretty darn seriously and Big well he didn't move a muscle as to not wake him.

They are typical brothers who tease, play and laugh with each other. They genuinely seem to like each other too which thrills me to no end. Before I know it they'll be speaking in their secret code, laughing at their dad or I because we do something adult and lame. But that's ok because we all know there's nothing funnier than inside sibling jokes. When you think back are some of your most hilarious moments with your sibs?

March 11, 2011

Leisurely mornings

So today is a mini Spring Break for Big and regular old Spring Break for Little and it was our first day to wake up a little later, no lunches to make and savoring those first cups of coffee. Nice. Not to mention the hanging out with a buddy for Big and me finally catching up on much needed housework.

These little game thingies can sync up when they're playing next to each other, how's that for a cool toy?

Who's for having nothing scheduled? It's like heaven I tell you. So what makes the perfect leisurely morning for you?

March 10, 2011

Trying new things

Well Big is at least. Here is a picture of him trying swim team for the first time. Speaking from experience there's nothing harder than your first practice. He told me this morning that he wants to make sure he goes back for the next practice so I know he felt a huge sense of accomplishment. Yay for him, I'm so glad he's excited.

So try something new it will do wonders for your confidence.

March 8, 2011

I'm dieting

A few months ago a couple of us local bloggers (Jaimee, Christina and Marni) toyed with going on a blog diet. You know that bloated, jaded feeling you get with all of gorgeous interiors, blogs filled with stuff that makes you want, want, want? We thought it would be fun get rid of that feeling together. Take a break from the pretty that leaves you satisfied for a minute but like that crazy sugar rush leaves feeling like you've crashed and burned. That feeling of needing more, ick who needs it? So I think for a week I'm going to try and stay in the moment and snap some pics with my phone and blog about what really leaves me feeling content. A blog diet, healthy and happy stuff only.

{See what I mean, doesn't this make you want to go out and buy a cabinet just to fill it with gorgeous shoes?}

Anyone feeling like joining me? One week it will be fun.  In one week we'll all be feeling skinny and gorgeous by the end of it, I just know it!

March 5, 2011

Got brats?

Dear smug childless people and old grouches,

When you shout it out to the universe via facebook, twitter or shoot daggers out of your eyes let me be clear when a kid has a meltdown it's just as mortifying to the parents as it is to you. It's not like parents head out the door hoping to incite their child into a frenzy by saying no to fruit snacks, them being inexplicably hot, tired or hungry or simply looking at them cross-eyed. Grouches please remember what it was like to have a child and smug kidless peeps remember karma's a bitch and this could be you someday so try a little compassion.

Love, Me

PS - If you want to be mortified do it at the adult that has the haircut like this one. Because they unlike the kids have a little more choice in matters.

March 2, 2011

Laundry or errands?

Dude I'm ready to pull out some hair. I've got piles of laundy and here I sit lollygagging. I have mucho to do today and I can't manage to pull it together. It's a very carefully orchestrated dance of procrastination. I really need to work out to get rid of all of this stressy energy but do I have the time today? I'm one of the chairs for Big's big school fundraiser so I'm feeling the heat, it's Saturday. It's a little earlier than normal because at a parochial school there's no partying during Lent so this year it's bright and early. So I have lots of annoying errands to run, details to tie up and then I can't stop thinking about the piles....And then to top it off if I'm doing something I can't just hop into bed and go to sleep I have to unwind for an hour or so in order to just get to sleep. I get insomnia when I have things on my mind and things to do. Oh and let's not forget Little's big 5 year birthday is tomorrow. Crap. I guess I should go and get some presents or something.

I won't kid myself, sorry honey it's the laundry that's going to have to wait! See you kids at the gym.

{This picture from Dillon Kyle has nothing to do with anything it just looks like a fun place to hang, gossip with my girlfriends while the guys bbq and the kids play hide and seek. Wanna join us?}

March 1, 2011


I'm pitifully unorganized and I often fantasize about being meticulously tidy. I know I'll stay cluttery but I can look at pretty pictures and pretend if I did something like this it would stay just as nice.

I really like how it looks just like a regular bookshelf, something that can be picked up at Home Depot or Ikea and made to look special by the vintage looking labels and baskets. Excuse me while I go dream of tidy closets.

{image via paper playne}