February 7, 2011

The weekend

Hi there. How were your Super Bowl festivities? Are you a big football fan? By the time the Super Bowl rolls around I could give a fig about any football. I check out around the college bowl season because I'm so tired of it. But hey if you're a Packers fan, woot woot! We took Little to Disneyland for his birthday, well it's not quite his birthday but it's when we could fit it in. He got to meet his idol Lightning McQueen and added a few more Cars items to his collection. We are a Disney marketers dream, he LOVES Cars.

When you're 5 you get to go all alone at our house, we did it for Big too and it ends up being pretty special. You get to do whatever you want without an impatient brother standing by, not to mention at 5 you're usually tall enough to ride most of the rides. When we went a couple of years ago for Big's 5th birthday we realized that you can bring food into the park now. No worries about eating the world's grossest lunch you can swing by Trader Joe's and bring it in. Thank goodness. You know Little doesn't eat anything so it came in pretty handy. I did however eat my weight in churros and had to have the yummy pineapple soft serve over by Adventure Land. I've always thought that churros in Disneyland taste the best, I can't be the only one.


  1. agree Churros at DIsneyland.. Kick A$$ - you must also add Churros at Sea World you your list as well!!

    I love that SMILE on little!!!!

  2. love churros! i stood in the ridiculously long line just a few months back for my first pineapple soft serve at the insistence of my daughter's friend. now i know what all the fuss is about. i'll be dreaming about it this summer... would be the perfect by the pool treat. yum!
    i love your 5 year old b-day tradition! a trip without having to compromise with siblings is every kids dream.

  3. what a cool tradition! disneyland alone. you're such a great mom. My fave thing at disneyland is bacon wrapped asparagus by the jungle cruise. truly delish.


Thanks for the chat friends!