May 3, 2010

Weekend deets and SFS Volume I

Happy Monday right? How was the weekend? Mine was fab and has me all exciting for a vacay I'm going on in a couple of weeks. We had dinner with the other couples that we're going with and I'm ready now to hop on a plane today! Cabo here I come! Now I just need to thoughtfully plan my outfits. Any suggestions?
On another note a girlfriend and I have talked on numerous occasions about Stupid Family Stickers, then we decided that we should do a blog post about them and see where other folks stand on the issue. I couldn't really tell you why these bother me so much I just think they're super fug and kinda lame. Here's a showcase of what we found so far
This is a classic example of Stupid Family Stickers, the family pet is included and they're all wearing Mickey Mouse ears. LAME.
We get it, you and your 3 littles love the islands.
This one kind of has me puzzled, are they jumping rope? The family that jump ropes together stays together?

The the best one yet the Final Score. In case you were interested Boys 1, Girls 4, what they obviously don't know is...we're not interested.

We hope to find some good ones this week, me and my Street Style SFS partner are on the look out for this holy grail of SFS. I've seen it before and all I could was shake my head. I just need to have my phone at the ready because those stoplights can turn mighty fast when you're trying to get a good shot. Stay tuned for Volume II.

{thanks to Angeline for inspiring me with her always hilarious mobile pics and Jenn for taking such great pics!}


  1. I hate SFS! Like you said, we aren't interested. I hope this trend goes away soon.

  2. Bahaha. Totally agree, although I'd be the kind of person to add my dog to the damn sticker party.

  3. Oh, the family stickers. The other day I was walking into TJ Maxx, minding my own business, when I saw one of those 12 passenger vans. The sticker on the back window confirmed to me that yes, they do fill that van to the brim when the fam all heads out to Sizzler. Shoulda taken a pic; it was classic. I guess they're supposed to be "cute." Just proves it to myself that I don't do cute.

  4. Um.... should you be posting pics of others' license on the web. Doesn't seem like that's right. And yes, I agree with you... they are very fug!

  5. Ha ha you have me giggling over here. I hate those too. I have no idea why like you, but they just bother me.

  6. "Super fug and kinda lame" is the best description of those things. Can't post it on my blog, though, because my sister has them. Ugh!

  7. Dear Anon, Next time I will blur out the plates to make you happy no worries.

  8. OH! There was someone who used to live in my complex that had those skull stickers, but I think they moved. The best one I've seen so far had one woman and about ten cat stickers - that's it. Oh, and there was the big creepy van at Whole Foods that had kids going all the way across the back window, no joke.

  9. I agree with the above commenter re: license plates.

    Why keep these up and wait until "next time?" Take some responsibility for your blog and fix them NOW

  10. What if this post was on super lame vanity plates is there any difference? Because there's a lot of those out there too.

  11. Thanks for the Laugh Out Loud!

    And Cabo?? Jealous. :-)

  12. Boom is just upset because they own the car with what you describe as the jump roping SFS, I describe it as the "Sci-Fi Family" (they look like aliens)!!!

    By far my favorite Blog post you've done... EVER!!!!!!

  13. Does everybody in AZ drive a silver minivan?! I hate those stickers so much. The people that put these on their silver minivans are probably the same ones who wonder how the pedophiles knew their kids names and hobbies.

  14. Ha! These are one of those things that annoy me and the hubby both! And can we just mention the creepiness of the ones that have the kids names? Because that isn't asking for trouble or anything....

  15. Can't decide which is worse- these or those old "baby on board" signs I'd always see on mini vans. Gag.

    Funny post!!

  16. Uber stupid! Considering the topic of the post, I didn't notice the liscense plates. Now that some of you pointed it out you've actually made it something for people to notice, kind of defeated the purpose of bringing it to our attention.

  17. Ugh, baby on board!! Now those were obnoxious, almost as bad as the Garfield on the back window.

  18. great post! I have seen the skull family and also the A$$ Family (jack, smart, fat, etc I can't remember all the names)

  19. Speaking of license plates, I saw one down here in Tucson that said, "3BBYDDY" Talk about classy!

  20. Emily - Say it isn't so....... had to have been a T-LOC!!!

  21. I just stumbled across your blog and this is so funny! My husband and I can't stand those either. His brilliant plan is to scratch or cross off the second to the last kid (one of the middle ones) of someones "clan" so that people will wonder what's happened to the kid. I think that's kinda terrible...but funny at the same time.

    Hope this post starts a movement to stop these!! Haha.

  22. Ems and Jenn - The other day I saw a plate that said RELPURVY, I was stumped. The only thing I could think of was Real Pervy which is totally EWWW!!! What else could it have been?? Ems, yours was classic!

  23. oh i couldn't agree more...i think if you own a minivan, it's a requirement.

  24. Ha! Those stickers are the worst. I also hate lame plate covers with silly sayings. I always email the ridiculousness to my friends.


Thanks for the chat friends!