May 24, 2010

Oh Eddie

It's been awhile since I've mentioned Eddie Ross but his layers of vintage linens are so lovely I had to share. If you've been a long time reader of Sarah's Fab Day you know that vintage linens are one of my favorite things, so I may just have to dig some of mine out and copy Mr. Ross pronto.

He also has instructions on how to care for and find vintage linens so if you're a linen lover it's a must read.


  1. I have to admit, when I saw the title of today's post. I thought, "would she really blog about the Superhero garments she thought Ed would sport???" LOL - it just made me laugh when I saw... Oh Eddie!!!

    On a side note these are gorg!!!

  2. Thanks for the care instructions. I've got some vintage pieces I've been wondering about... it's sad that I haven't used them since I wasn't sure how to clean them!

  3. Dig them out! Would love to see them!

    E + J


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