June 23, 2010

The City

I haven't actually been watching The City but I happen to think that The Cut's recaps (a link to the latest) are a hilarious alternative. Nothing like succinctly summing it up with lines like this:

"Poor Erin. But we knew that Louise wasn’t to be trusted. She seems like the annoying kind of girl who will agree with whomever she’s talking to. One minute she’ll tell Erin Olivia sucks and the next she’ll tell Olivia Erin sucks. But at least the show has finally cast a person with an accent."

Thank you The Cut, your recaps are mighty enjoyable and with your witty repartee I feel as though I've watched the show myself with a best pal. And no this isn't a screen shot of The City even though Olivia is miserable on the show I'm obsessed with her personal style and apparently so is The Sartorialist. A show-pony (thanks Robbie) for sure! While we're on the subject of TV I can't believe I haven't talked about SYTYCD yet. Yikes. Soon I'm sure.

{photography by The Sartorialist}


  1. Too funny. I cannot bring myself to watch the show anymore, but I never miss a recap on The Cut. Love them!

  2. Well, I'm obsessed with the show, of course, and The Cut is hysterical with their recaps!

  3. Well, I'm still watching the show but now you've given me an excuse to tear myself away!
    The show-pony comment was my favorite in years!


Thanks for the chat friends!