April 27, 2010

They quit?

Weird, I just noticed today that a couple of bloggers are wrapping it up. No more posts, they're done. It' seems like blogs have about a two and half year lifespan. Every now and then I wonder if I could quit my blog. Then I think hard and even though sometimes it seems like I find little to talk about, other times it's strangely therapeutic. I would want to go and write and I would have no place to do that.

What I have found for myself is that the longer I blog the less I care about what other people think of it. I'm not a brand, I'm not selling anything I'm just some random woman rambling. I don't have an agenda, but with that being said I do enjoy it and it has surely become part of my life. It's not quitting time yet. But I can see the appeal of less face time with the computer. So if you're a blogger do you ever wonder what life would be like if you were blog free?
{image from vi.sualize via Running Mommy}


  1. sometimes I wonder if people are "listening" and then I realize...it doesn't really matter. I write for me and what's going on in my life (but then there's that "followers" up in the left hand corner that always makes me think of who is reading...)

  2. I do think of it, often! But I just remind myself that I write my blog as a catalog to me of the things I love (and am thankful that other ppl enjoy reading it, too)!

    I'm sure mine is about to be put on pause for a few weeks as I adjust to being a new mom in a month or less....

  3. Lately yes...hence I am stepping away this week for a little time to reflect a bit.

    Love that picture.

    You going to Domestic BLiss on Thursday evening?

  4. My blog was private for a year and a half and during that time I took a few months off to figure out if it was something I wanted to continue. I don't think I have it in me to quit though. Would I need to go back to a journal then?

  5. often....but then i think of all of the wonderful things that have come from having a blog and decide to continue. once it's not fun anymore....i'm done.

  6. Well, if two and a half years is the average life span, then I should be wrapping things up in a few months! For now, at least, I enjoy it. But, of course, sometimes it feels overwhelming. What I've found is I have much less time to read the blogs I like these days. It makes me sad, but I'm with you on needing less time in front of the computer.

  7. I've been blogging a long time - it will be five years come May 11th. I've never thought about quitting, but I have noticed that most bloggers quit after a year or two. Maybe it's like crafting - you get really into knitting for a while, and then you're over it but you're crazy for scrapbooking, then after a while that's dull too.

    I'm also a random rambler - the topics on which I post change from month to month and year to year and I'd make a pretty sorry brand. In the end, it's an outlet for me, and I love just keeping it as a journal, so that's all that matters. I'd miss having somewhere to dump all these things without it.

  8. I think blogging is a strange combination of something very personal and something very public. Sometimes I feel like no one is listening (or commenting..seriously it's like crickets) but at the end of the day I get personal creative fulfillment out of it and that is all that really matters. I understand hanging it up when it is no longer fun or you've lost your passion for it. But, like Lil Bee, I have so little time these says to blog much less read all the blogs I want to - but when I do get a 20 minute window of time - love to get lost in blogland. :)

    Don't you quit us, Sarah! :)

  9. I know what you mean...the more I blog the more I do and say what I want. I have no plans to quit anytime soon!

  10. I understand this feeling completely! Sometimes blogging stresses me out or feels like an obligation. But the majority of the time I need to have an outlet for my inner thoughts and I think of the friends I have made and it's all worth it.

  11. Oh, I definitely need blogging to get out all of my creative energy. Since I started writing and posting gorgeous photos, I've found myself a lot less likely to go into Hobby Lobby and come out with $400 worth of products to make my own decoupaged lamp, or something. :o) The added bonus of blogging is having readers who actually comment on my musings!

  12. To be clear, I'm not quitting this blog. You are stuck with me and my most random thoughts. :)

  13. yes, it has crossed my mind...I actually started blogging exclusively for our firm becauses I kept quitting the personal blogs I kept trying to write. having the obligation to our clients/fans/readers helps keep me going (as does a wonderful co-author) but it's still SO MUCH WORK sometimes. the gratification of knowing other people look forward to reading what we have to say helps tremendously, but yes, I certainly dream sometimes of not having to keep up with the site so much.

    great topic...don't you go anywhere :)

  14. Doug brings up an excellent point, if I was marketing a company or myself I think social media is an excellent way to keep people abreast of what's going on. I think it gives a great insight to your brand and gets customers invested in what you have to offer. So my advice if you have a company blog, tweet be yourself because that's what keeps people coming back!

  15. Yes, all the time. But I've really become addicted to blogging. I find it to be therapeutic. I think the important thing is to remember to do if for yourself and not because you want thousands of followers.

    What I don't have time to do is visit great blogs (like this one) on a regular basis.

  16. Such an interesting topic! I struggle with the balance of keeping the blog in the right place on my list of priorities. I never want to be absent in reality because I am present in cyberspace! I love the friendships and connections that I have made through my blog and on those challenging days, it's what keeps me inspired. Glad your not quitting, girl!

  17. I just started blogging, and it is a little discouraging that I don't have any followers yet, but it's nice to have a place to ramble on about things that people might not want to listen to in person! I'm going to keep at it.

  18. Great topic, Sarah. I share your sentiments. Like the other comments I have struggled with the why am I bothering when no one comments mentality. But then I remind myself that's not why I do it. Also, like you, I'm not promoting anything; I'm not creating a brand. So my content has no agenda. In the end, it's freeing and I enjoy it. But it's a fun outlet, not an obligation. (I didn't always treat it that way. I'm an overacheiver in recovery.)
    Since I have started my blog I have met some really inspiring and wonderful people. I think that's why I want more.

  19. Some days I think I can't do it anymore. And I picture just stopping. But then I realize I cannot. It's a part of me now. I'm with you on not caring about an agenda. It's an expression of yourself and your creativity. Put goals and deadlines on it and it's not a blog anymore, it's a J O B. Ew.

    Great post! Who has quit blogging?

  20. I just started my blog a few months ago and have really enjoyed it. There are days when I feel intimidated being in the company of such talented designers and artists. Then I realize I am doing it more for myself than anyone else. I love collecting ideas and beautiful pictures that I can reference when I need inspiration. I agree with some of the other comments...keep going as long as you are having fun.

  21. Funny, I just clicked over to a blog I used to really like but haven't been to in a while and POOF! Closed up shop.

  22. Seleta - You nailed it right on the head, blogging isn't fun when it becomes your job (unless it is your job). The biggie that I noticed was done was Decorno. There was another couple that I recently noticed were gone. Kinda sad.

  23. I love blogging, but I'm so insanely busy with work that in the evening, I really just feel like relaxing. But as soon as I feel like I'm slacking, I really begin to miss it. It's like journaling but more visual and the response you get is a wonderful thing.

  24. Ahhh, I hear what you're saying. I have certainly had anxiety over my musings just sitting out there in cyber space... And then like you, I remind myself I do it because it's a therapeutic outlet. I vent on my blog. I schmooooze on my blog. I can't picture myself without it just yet... Happy Friday! :)


Thanks for the chat friends!