April 16, 2010

Lee Jofa Groundworks Oshika

Do you ever get in the mode where you begin to hate everything in your house? I'm kind of feeling that way right now. I'm ready for some new art and new paint but budget constraints usually keep my redecorating urges at bay. Today though I feel very excited because I purchased 8 yards of this gorgeous fabric from The Designer's Attic.

Have you been there yet? It's all of Shannon from Pink Wallpaper's leftover goodies and it's now one of my favorite stops. It's like a race, with her being on the East coast and me on the West, if she posts early I don't get the jump. Yesterday I got lucky! So now that it's coming to my house what shall I do with it? Ideas?? Do tell. I think my bedroom is where it belongs.

PS - Honey if you're reading this, it was a smokin' deal that was TOO good to pass up. Like really good.


  1. i totally am the same way! i feel that adding some cute plants or toss pillows or even re-arranging your furniture gives a cheap fix for that feeling. too bad we can't change things every season, right!

  2. you're too sweet! thanks for the shout out. my hubbie is about to go and mail it! and happy early b'day!!

  3. Fabulous fabric. Decorating without budget constraints is less fun :). I love searching for special items that are kind to my wallet!

  4. DROOOOOOL! So HEY! You were the one who grabbed that fabric! Grrr .... just kidding. But I am jealous. I'm on the West Coast, too, and definitely think those Left Coasters have an unfair advantage. Boo!

    I love The Designer's Attic. It's so great that I don't tell my friends about it :) Selfish.

  5. Whatcha gonna do with it?

    I too am in love with "the designer's attic" and Shannon, It would be really cool if you will send pictures of what you do with the gorgeous fabric!


Thanks for the chat friends!