February 10, 2010

Read it :: Blonde Designs

During a blog surfing sesh I happened upon Blonde Designs (via Design Crush), I was looking for something for Big to give as a Valentine that was unique and fun. These easy Lip & Mustache Lollipop Valentine's fit the bill perfectly. So cute right? Made them and didn't trim the tags yet(which you can download on Blonde Designs) that say, "Happy Valentine's Day Love, Big" but you get the idea. My models found my stash of lollipops so I had to get a few snaps of them in payment for their treat. As you can see my niece is happy as can be with her glittery pink lips and well Little...he's his usual self. He wanted the lollipop sans moustache.

If you want some great party ideas and fun downloads this is your place. Oh yeah, and let's not forget their gorgeous invitations. So go now and check them out!


  1. that second photo is great! cute idea.


  2. Cute! we are attempting the rice krispie hearts on sticks dipped in chocolate. I let you know how they turn out.

  3. I love these!! May use this for my daughter's birthday party!!

  4. This is so cute!! And that second picture is hilarious - what a cutie pie!

  5. So cute Sarah! If your little boy is on the same schedule as my girls then you were probably handing them out today.

    You still in for Wed. the 17th? Hope you husband had a great day!


  6. we did this for ellie's school. the kiddos got a kick out of them.


Thanks for the chat friends!