February 15, 2010


I'm still not over chalkboards. I love them but still have never used one in my own home. I really like the idea of using one in a place of art. Change out "masterpieces" weekly.

{images from Cottage Living via Lettered Cottage and Style at Home}


  1. love both of these! esp. the second. i just know i could never print that neatly the whole way through :)

  2. I have made a vow to myself that I will set aside a weekend to make a DIY chalkboard for oh I dunno... a year? I still love them too!

  3. I keep meaning to email you back...my computer crashes every time I hit the reply button. Anyway I am so not over chalkboards either. I love mine and use it all of the time.

    Can't wait for Wed. I'm guessing Jaimee will not ditch us..even though she will just be getting home from New Orleans. She is the one that picked the place to eat afterall.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. ooo!! SO pretty! have to admit, I'm nuts over chalkboards, but am not using one either. ;( have some cute ones on the girls bathroom door & this inspires me to get creative with them!

  5. I have an old frame from Scott's that is sitting in an corner. I think I may make it a chalkboard and put it in my kitchen!

  6. I love chalkboards too and this is one of the best uses I've seen! (I also don't own any...yet)

  7. I love chalkboards too and this is one of the best uses I've seen! (I also don't own any...yet)

  8. I LOOVE that first chalkboard. It's been in my inspiration folder forever!

  9. beautiful your posts decorated place if you want to visit my blog too!

  10. I still love them too. I have one in my kitchen that I made from a thrifted frame, and it's always the home for whatever pretentious song lyrics I have stuck in my head.

  11. chalkboards are fantastic. Why don't you start small and use a removable vinyl chalkboard in your pantry or on the inside of a cupboard..it's also a great way to sort out your chalk style.

    our kids have them in their cupboards with a to do list get dressed etc in different colours. sometime I wipe them clean when going to bed and leave a silly message for them instead

  12. I've never gotten over chalkboard, I still adore it.

    My new house has bold colored walls, I think I might even be able to incorporate some chalkboard paint into my kitchen!

  13. These look absolutely chic. Too many I see are more of the shabby chic, but this style might work for my home!

  14. I'm with you girl! Still loving my pantry door, thanks to your post! BTW, missin you!!!


Thanks for the chat friends!