November 10, 2009

Little Thanksgiving helper

Last week I walked into Williams Sonoma and it felt like a cruel joke. Inside was all warm and toasty, it felt like fall and outside it was triple digits. In November. Yuck. I went in hoping they would have their mulled cider to sample but instead they were sampling Focaccia Stuffing.

It was really good, but somehow it totally feels like cheating buying something like that. Do you guys cheat or do you dry your own bread and the whole nine yards? I'm curious where you draw the line with Thanksgiving dinner. Is everything from scratch or do you get help along the way?


  1. I am soooo NOT a cook but if you do homemade stuffing you can buy the french bread loaves at Lee's Sandwiches. They sell the day old bread for really cheap and their baguettes are soooo good. I buy them when I make bread pudding........

  2. We are a scratch family... but when it comes to stuffing we don't do traditional and we go for a wild rice/sausage stuffing that is totally delish!!!

  3. I love Williams Sonoma's mulled cider! One of my fave things about the holidays is drinking mulled cider.


Thanks for the chat friends!