August 4, 2009

a la Kate Spade

This morning while checking my Facebook I see that Kate Spade has redesigned their website. Love it. So then I browse their Behind the Curtain section (which I also adore) and I see that they have also redesigned their 5th Avenue shop. Ooh la la.

Seeing this gets me to thinking about how I LOVE this bright palette and how when it starts to cool off I really need to get some new family photos taken. I would love to have the fam styled a la Kate Spade. How does one do this with Mr. SFD and two little boys? I know it's August but photos usually get taken in November around here so I need to get cracking. Please, please fashionistas come to my rescue with any ideas because I'm all ears.


  1. How about you in a turqoise dress, the boys and husband in khakis and one son in red long sleeve another in gold long sleeve and husband in maybe a stripe with these colors???

  2. Gorgeous! Talk to Tina...she'll style you AND take your photos!

  3. Did you see Design Mom's Central Park family photoshoot? It's what I thought of immediately when you mentioned Kate Spade and family photos. Check out her posts here and here.

  4. the colors in her new store are gorgeous. I have liked her more over the past year, I can't think of the name of her new designer, but I believe she is English. and she has breathed a lot of freshness into the line.
    great pics

  5. Super bold, but it really works!

  6. What about having the whole family in preppy yet classic trench coats and wellies? Since your the only gal in the family you could wear pink wellies to contrast to the boys traditional kelly green. Of course it would also be precious if it happened to be raining... LOL

  7. There are bright yellow barn doors in heritage square that I have shot people in front of before. If you all were in the other colors (like Design Mom's fam) you would totally "pop."

    PS Cool store redo. Love...

  8. Thanks everyone for the feedback, totally helps a girl out! :) Design Mom's photos are awesome, if only I could figure out a way to get us all to Central Park...


Thanks for the chat friends!