June 18, 2009

Nighty night

Ugh, I'm tired. Coffee is in the works, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. Hurry up coffee! What I would really like to do is crawl back into bed, especially if it was this one.

Am I the only one who can't go back to sleep if it's light outside? It's like some odd internal clock I have that I wish I could turn off.

[image via House to Home]


  1. Oh I so no the feeling. I envy people that can nap. I never can! Except today in NY with all this rain it seems like the perfect day to just crawl back into bed and sleep, but nope I'm working.

  2. That bedroom looks so soothing - I love it...it def. makes me want to take a nap too!

  3. oh that room...
    yes, once I'm up and see some sort of light on the horizon, I'm up for good. Sometimes I do enjoy being awake before anyone else though - it's good blogging time.

  4. my dog gets me up at the crack of dawn. and then its back to bed for me. I have one of those little silk pillows that is stuffed with something nice, and I pop it over my eyes to block out the light and back to sleep I go. Give it a try.

  5. My dog does the same thing, once I'm up with her, I'm up for good. Beautiful bedroom!


Thanks for the chat friends!