May 21, 2009

We're in transition

It's officially summer vacation at our house can you tell?

This is my son's room at noon, it was spotless when he woke up. We have a rule in our house that the boys' rooms must be picked up before they go to bed. The rest of our house looks like this too, toy fiesta! Every room I begin to tidy the one I just cleaned turns into this. Literally. So I have been bitter all day, a total grouch, I can just feel the steam beginning to erupt from my ears. To make myself feel better I just got rid of lots of toys (unbeknownst the the boys) and my anxiety is lessened considerably. Try it you'll love it!


  1. Thank GOD you posted this. Did we have the same day??? Now I don't feel alone. :-)

    As of today, we have 2 out of 4 at home for summer. The younger 2. After dinner, I was a yucky mommy when scanning the countless messes all over the floor, on both levels of our house.

    Better practice my relaxation breathing and channel my inner-Mary Poppins for the next 90 days.

  2. My kids are going to grandma's for the first week of the summer. When they come back they'll never notice that 60% of their toys are gone. MwahahahaHA!

  3. We have the rule that the toys have to be picked up in order to watch a TV show. I just came downstairs and looked in my 3 year olds room and then thought about this post....I think as of tonight the bedroom rule is going into effect at our house.

  4. Welcome to my world...everyday. I gave up a long time ago, and let go all day until right before Daddy comes home. (I housewifey..but I can't keep up with the mess, so I do it all at once)...UGH.

  5. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I've cleaned out the kids room once this month, but think I'll do another sweep before school lets out next week.

  6. I am going to take your advice, the thought of my boys toys give me anxitey.( in the hall closet, in their closet, in baskets under the coffee table...everywhere).My boys have birthdays coming, I sooooo want to be mommy dearest and say " Pick your favorite toy, and the rest go off to charity".


Thanks for the chat friends!